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Thread: How long before a TB needs a rescue?

  1. #1
    stenpils Guest

    Default How long before a TB needs a rescue?

    Got my TB stuck in a puzzle cache for the last 3 months, how long before I should call in the rescuers! :-)


    3 months is probably nothing compared to some, maybe I'm just impatient!
    Interested to hear other "stuck" stories - do these TB rescue things work ok?



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Well it's not far from me, but I'm not big on puzzles generally, and as this has a 32:7 failure:success ration on Geochecker it looks like a toughie. I'll have a look at it tonight and if I can work it out I'll go on a mission this weekend.

    You could try Emailing the owner and ask him to rescue it, I don't expect it's far from his locale and he's a very prolific cacher (just hit 5000) so if he does pick it up he'll be able to move it on PDQ.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I should try e-mailing Mario McTavish, the CO, to see whether he can help out with a retrieval.

    If he can't help you (unlikely), leave it for a week or two then contact me via PM to see whether I can go to get it for you.
    After all, it was me who placed it in the cache!
    Try not to let your mind wander...........
    It's too small and fragile to be out by itself

  4. #4
    stenpils Guest


    Lol - hi TheKennelAt, no worries I won't hold it against you - :-) but you coould give me a hint to the puzzle! I will be within 15 miles of it in a couple of months so will rescue it then if it's still not moved I just haven't solved the thing yet! :-)

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