For those not aware of it, the first Mega Event to take place in the UK, took place in Harrogate North Yorkshire on the 3rd of August 2008. The Event was listed under UK Mega Event Committee
as a legacy account for future Repeating Annual UK Mega Events. This account has been the parent account for the 2nd UK Mega event Weston super mare August 9th 2009, 3rd UK Mega event Perth Scotland 31st July 2010. And is the parent account for 4th UK Mega Event Swansea Wales 31st July 2011.
It has been the responsibility of each years Holding Committee, to hand the Parent Account over to next years Holding Account. The 2011 Holding Committee Swansea Wales, found themselves in a situation which no previous committee had found its self in, in that 2 Mega Organising Committee's requested the Parent Account for 2012.
After discussions, a one off Ad Hoc Committee formed of Committee Members from the Harrogate/Weston/Perth/Swansea Committee Members. The two requesting committee's where invited to each submit a Tender Document. These where reviewed by the Ad Hoc Committee, before a confidential Vote was taken, to decide which requesting Committee was awarded the Parent Account for 2012.
I can now officially announce that that by a majority Vote, the UK Mega Event Committee Account was awarded to the North West England Mega Committee. Who will be hosting the Annual Repeating UK Mega Event held under the Parent UK Mega Committee Account on 11th August 2012.
My congratulations to the winner, and my sincere commiserations to the losing requesting Mega Committee