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Thread: Newbie witterings ...

  1. Default Newbie witterings ...

    Still trying to get my head round some of this stuff ... Went into Salisbury this afternoon to see if I could improve my knowledge and had limited success

    Please feel free to abuse me if any of my assumptions below are off the mark !

    As I understand it Garmin are the safe choice with loads of support and a decent userbase with the Satmap Active 10 being a possible contender along with Memory Map.

    It appears that my thoughts about also using it as a sat nav in the second car are not particularly realistic in terms of capability when compared with a purpose made car sat nav. (Thanks again for the info Dave !)

    It would appear that the base map supplied with most Garmin's is fine for Geocaching and if I want 1:25 OS maps for hillwalking etc they'll cost around £100 each which is broadly comparable with other makes

    Having had a root about on here I get the impression that I can create maps from Google maps and upload them onto the GPS unit - am I right to presume that these would be suitable for finding my way round towns and, more importantly, would I be able to use POI's with them ?

    A query for the guru's - I know that the OS maps are supplied on SD card but is there any copy protection on them ?

    Before I get accused of being Blackbeard's better looking great, great grandson I'd like to point out that I'm merely considering the possibility of consolidating a number of maps on a single SD card and also backing them up on the PC !

    My next action is to see if I can convert my local geocaches into POI's and upload them to my ancient TomTom Go so I can have a root about locally tomorrow while Jackie is at work (After the F1 has finished of course)

    At the moment I'm thinking about going for the Dakota 20 but I need to get my hands on one first to be sure that I can cope with the size of the screen - like most of my body my eyes aren't what they were :lol:

    Anyway if you've managed to get this far through my drivel you're to be congratulated and thoroughly deserve a beer - just like I'm about to have !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    Bob, you can use POIs with any mapping since these are separate functions. There are well known free maps at which are getting better at roads and include some paths.

    In order to load geocaches onto TomTom you'll need to convert them into OV2 files, perhaps someone can advise how to do this?

    Dont know the answer to your question about OS maps but I'd be surprised if there is no copy protection.

    At least you'll have plenty of time after F1 since it's in Melbourne and a 7am start.

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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    Hi Bob
    the OS maps that are available for the Garmin Oregon/Dakota range are protected, you have to unlock them to use on your unit and then it is only useable on that unit.
    Same with the Garmin TOPO maps for the ETREX GPS units that can use them.
    You can get FREE maps by using the TALKY TOASTER open source ampping which is updated on a regular basis. SEE HERE
    The custom 1:25000 OS mapping is available for FREE but you have to download a program and create them as you go.

  4. Default


    Cheers Guys - I LIKE Open Source !!!

    I managed to find which does all sorts of conversions including .loc to .ov2 and best of all it's FREE

    I now have 175 local caches on my beat up old TomTom - the only downside is that I haven't managed to get out and do anything with them

    Anyway with a bit of luck (And a reasonable tax rebate from HMRC) I think I'll be going for a Dakota 20 in the next few weeks then I'll REALLY start bothering you with questions !


    Life is too important to take seriously !

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Another option for POI's on TomTom is GSAK.
    There is a straight GSAK conversion, or there is a Macro by BigWolf that will show the different icons for caches, including film pots for micros.

    It's a paid for app, but most of the cachers that use it swear by it.
    (After a lot of swearing at it, until you find your way around it! :lol: )

    Any GSAK questions posted on the GSAK forums usually get a quick response, often from Clyde who wrote/writes GSAK.
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2004
    South East Wales


    If you want to see how the GSAK TomTom macro works I've written a simple guide. Click here (scroll to the bottom of the page).

    Volunteer UK Reviewer for
    UK Geocaching Information & Resources website Knowledge Books

  7. Default

    Thanks all - looks like I've got a bit of reading to do when I get some spare time !

    The first estimates are that the tax rebate is going to be better than I thought so I might be able to stretch to a wizzy GPS so a few more questions ...

    What are the pro's and cons of the Oregon v GPSMAP 62 series ?

    Are the touchscreens in the Oregons reliable and sensitive ?

    Both ranges have high sensitivity receivers but are they equally good in use ?

    Cheers again


    Life is too important to take seriously !

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2004
    South East Wales


    You'll find people are 'loyal' to a particular GPS type. So people with a Garmin Map60 series would probably upgrade to a 62 rather than an Oregon. Saying that each GPS handles differently. Go to an event and have a play with some! People are always happy to show off their toys. If you want a comparison of what each of the two you mention offers in the way of features etc, I've done a matrix on my resource site. It doesn't recommend one over the other but explains all about what maps you can use, how the compass works and how much memory they have etc. Take a look.

    Personal opinion. I use an Oregon 550 (with a camera). It's great. The screen works fine (even with gloves!).

    Only thing I would say is about the 't' models of both these GPS's. These come with the Garmin topo maps pre-loaded into memory and are more expensive. The free maps from TalkyToaster (see my site) are every bit as good and of course free. You can of course load the free maps into a t model so you have both lots of maps but if your on a budget you might want to consider the non-t model. The matrix explains all this.

    Volunteer UK Reviewer for
    UK Geocaching Information & Resources website Knowledge Books

  9. Default


    Cheers Chris - looks like I'll be reading a lot tonight !

    And I must find out about 'events' ...

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2004
    South East Wales


    Events are social gatherings (usually in a pub!) at lunchtime or evenings and are just so geocachers can get together and chat etc. Great opportunity to meet other cachers and play with their toys

    Here is a list of events coming up in the Southern England region. The closest to you seems to be one in Devizes and another in Warnford.

    Volunteer UK Reviewer for
    UK Geocaching Information & Resources website Knowledge Books

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Have a 60CSX and updated to the Oregon 300 (I like maps, especially Ordnance Survey ones!)

    The 60 still has the edge, and is the GPS of choice.
    However the Oregon seems to be catching up with each new update... I'm using the beta updates, don't seem to be having problems, but others are.
    Oregon has 'Field Notes' -A big bonus!
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  12. Default


    More thanks Chris !

    I actually had my eye on Thatcham and Swallowfield next week - unfortunately Jackie's working on Tuesday evening and has a meeting on Wednesday night but since I work in Reading I might work late and drop in on one or both on the way home ...

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  13. Default


    Well I did the Cunning Cachers meet with my youngest son Paul (He's the youngest of three - the oldest is 2 mins older than he is) and today I went to Devizes with my wife Jackie. Lots of great people at both events - including two people who own caches I've found.

    It now transpires that besides sorting out which GPS to get for myself I've also got to do the legwork for Paul cos he wants one too ...

    After a few conversations at todays meet I'll be ordering an Oregon 550T !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  14. Default


    Job done - Oregon 550T ordered !

    And now a couple of supplementary questions for my lad Paul (The runt of the litter)

    He's got a Blackberry 8320 and if he wants to use it for geocaching he'll need a GPS receiver so:

    1. Any recommendations for a decent receiver ?

    2. What sort of battery life can he expect when caching with a Blackberry ?

    3. Are there any other considerations ?

    Cheers All !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  15. Default

    Happy teddy bear ...

    Ordered 10:30 Sunday and arrived at 11:05 Monday on a next working day delivery !

    I was so impressed I've just ordered a Legend HCX for my son (But he's paying)


    Life is too important to take seriously !

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