Still trying to get my head round some of this stuff ... Went into Salisbury this afternoon to see if I could improve my knowledge and had limited success
Please feel free to abuse me if any of my assumptions below are off the mark !
As I understand it Garmin are the safe choice with loads of support and a decent userbase with the Satmap Active 10 being a possible contender along with Memory Map.
It appears that my thoughts about also using it as a sat nav in the second car are not particularly realistic in terms of capability when compared with a purpose made car sat nav. (Thanks again for the info Dave !)
It would appear that the base map supplied with most Garmin's is fine for Geocaching and if I want 1:25 OS maps for hillwalking etc they'll cost around £100 each which is broadly comparable with other makes
Having had a root about on here I get the impression that I can create maps from Google maps and upload them onto the GPS unit - am I right to presume that these would be suitable for finding my way round towns and, more importantly, would I be able to use POI's with them ?
A query for the guru's - I know that the OS maps are supplied on SD card but is there any copy protection on them ?
Before I get accused of being Blackbeard's better looking great, great grandson I'd like to point out that I'm merely considering the possibility of consolidating a number of maps on a single SD card and also backing them up on the PC !
My next action is to see if I can convert my local geocaches into POI's and upload them to my ancient TomTom Go so I can have a root about locally tomorrow while Jackie is at work (After the F1 has finished of course)
At the moment I'm thinking about going for the Dakota 20 but I need to get my hands on one first to be sure that I can cope with the size of the screen - like most of my body my eyes aren't what they were :lol:
Anyway if you've managed to get this far through my drivel you're to be congratulated and thoroughly deserve a beer - just like I'm about to have !