We've received the following request for cachers to complete this survey. It only took me a few minutes so please do complete it.
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N5NNZKBI am a geocacher in Quebec, but also a student at the University of
Athabasca. For my final course in Social Sciences I have decide to do a
survey on Geocachers to define the participants by age groups, education
and occupations. To get a better idea of the social aspect of the sport,
the members will be asked if they geocahe alone, with a partner, in
groups, or if they belong to groups, or get the help of others to solve
the puzzles associated with some geocaches. The third aspect of the study
is what motivates the geocachers to keep going in their search for more
geocaches. Is it the simple fact of finding more caches, is it the
experience of going outdoors, or finding new areas that they normally
would not have gone to. Is it the social aspect of doing a sport in a
group? I have a link to a survey, could it be added to your website?
Anonymity Message
The following survey is produced to obtain information on the demographics of geocachers, information on the social aspect of geocaching, and the motivation of the geocachers. The data obtained in this survey will be kept anonymous. If any data is included in the responses that can identify the respondent, the information will be destroyed and the data will not be used in the survey.
Thank you.