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Thread: Tp7569

  1. #1
    Pyoung1s Guest

    Default Tp7569

    Can anyone advise a grid ref for TP7569 Gun, End of Base please? !!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    Could be deduced from:

    I reckon?

  3. #3
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    So its namesake would be the other end of the base line. I see you've already been there Paul. dal's log mentioned he visited both on the same day.

    There's a pair of upturned cannons near Heathrow airport. Thought they were on TUK but can't spot them, although I've visited both, after Tom mentioned them oin trigonomy. Part of the ensuing discussion here

    Odd thing about TP7569 is the tendency for it to be associated with FBs from other trig pillars around the country

  4. #4
    Pyoung1s Guest


    I've received an email advising some difficulty was experienced entering the grid ref first attempt at user adding so TP7569 is a duplicate of TP7570. I've updated the visitor logs accordingly. Go check it out, cracking photo! :socool:

  5. #5
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    Genius! lol

  6. #6
    Sagina nivalis Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Pyoung1s View Post
    I've received an email advising some difficulty was experienced entering the grid ref first attempt at user adding
    I've fallen for that in the past. You put in the GR, get a dialog box, are invited to add it, but not told you have to re-enter the GR hence it gets located at 000, 000 which is off Scilly somewhere. Ho hum.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Pyoung1s View Post
    I've received an email advising some difficulty was experienced entering the grid ref first attempt at user adding so TP7569 is a duplicate of TP7570. I've updated the visitor logs accordingly. Go check it out, cracking photo! :socool:
    Ha, love it.


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