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Thread: topo software?

  1. #1
    aggraning Guest


    Hi everyone! I just recently moved to the UK and I'm trying to locate some topo software for a Meridian Gold. I looked on Magellan's site, but they don't offer any topo on the EU. Does anyone know if there is topo software compatible with my Magellan GPS? Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Welcome to the UK!

    There's Mapsend Topo. I can't comment on it though, as I don't have a Magellan.
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  3. #3
    Daisy&me Guest


    I have Mapsend Topo and it's a real disappointment. I had hoped that it would show public footpaths but the level of detail is really poor. Some footpaths appear, others do not with not rhyme or reason. Not only that but many roads are missing too. In fact there seem to be fewer roads than you get from Mapsend Streets Europe.

    My advice would be 'don't waiste your money'.

  4. #4
    Kitty Hawk Guest


    OziExplorer does most things, I'm sure it does topo maps, but I don't know if it is compatible with Magellan's. It's cheap too.

    I can't remember the website, but a google search will do the trick.



    I've had a chance to check out some details - Magellan's are OK. It does do topo, although it rely's on you either purchasing the digital image or scanning your map. If you are using a scan of your map, it means that footpaths etc can/will show. It will also accept up to 10000 waypoints etc etc.

    I bought it earlier this year before a skiing holiday that I had ideas about, and I've not looked at it since which is daft and I should make some time to learn it.

    It's on


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