Having only just found this site I would like to ask if anyone else would like to do the milage tracker next year, just letting you know in advance.
Purely for Fun!!!
Having only just found this site I would like to ask if anyone else would like to do the milage tracker next year, just letting you know in advance.
Purely for Fun!!!
There was discussion about Jacaru organising one for next year, the same as this year. I don't know the latest on this though.
Turns out the place in Cornwall has WIFI!!!!! How cool is that!
You have reminded me to look into this a little more. I have had a word with Jacaru.
In a few weeks I will let you know how I got on.
Yes please
Sorry folks not been on the forum much, but yep up for it again, have already got a new coin sorted for it.
I'm interested in joining in next year too. Not that I get many opportunities to go too far. It'd definitely be 'just for fun'!