20th June 2011, 08:36 PM
For full details, please see this forum post.
The key points that we are trying to promote are:
Why should people choose that cache to visit (and not just to get another number).
- Location (view, history, something interesting to see or just a great walk)
- Cache container and log book (a pleasure to find).
- Cache page (informative)
- Owner maintenance (evidence of) (cache page and cache)
- Permission gained
Please post your nominations in this forum thread.
We are currently after nominations for caches found in May or June 2011.
Last edited by GAGB Committee; 20th June 2011 at 09:03 PM.
Reason: updated
28th June 2011, 11:39 PM
Argonautica series-our nomination
Hi there, recently discovered and joined this site and saw this thread.
We haven't been caching for very long and we've discovered that we really enjoy series walks. We've done quite a few but this series stands out.
The walk takes place through Saddleworth moor (up and down) with outstanding views. Each cache page is a wealth of information based on the Jason and the Argonauts legend AND each cache has been brilliantly created, found, made relating to a certain aspect of the story. We could not wait to see what the next cache would look like. This series also ties onto the 'Clash of the Titans' multi which in turn, when you have coords from both the final caches, lead you to 'Mount Olympus' for the grand finale.
These had us out all day, getting hot, then drenched then hot again but not once was there a single complaint from us or the kids as we were having so much fun hunting these awesome caches.
Geo.Warriors created them and deserve a nomination for the time and effort which has gone into them. They've inspired us to attempt something similar, if we get halfway toward what they have delivered we would be happy.
Check the series out...starting with Argonautica 01-Jason GC2H1DR
Cheers, Bobo and Darleygirl
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