Dear "Noobicacher".
As a self-appointed Cache Log Comment Quality Assurance Officer, I have deleted your log which claims to have recorded a find by you of my geocache, on the 3rd inst. Do not attempt to reinstate this log without permission, otherwise further action may be taken. Instruction will follow as to the wording I shall consider sufficiently chrysostomatic.
Should you wish to record your find for your records, please be advised that I will not allow you to use the web site for this purpose if you ignore my rules. I am empowered to take action against you under the Groundspeak Inc. Geocaching Guidelines, and I refer you particularly to section 3.1 "Logging of All Physical Geocaches". Although this appears to give me no such powers, and actually seems to forbid this log deletion in such circumstances, the wording is erroneous and should allow me to delete any logs of any type that I deem unsatisfactory.
Only through assiduous and fastidious study of all cache logs will there be an improvement of the standards that I uphold. Therefore, if you continue to elide fulsome literature in your cache logging in this insouciant fashion I may take more serious action against you personally in the future in order to protect the public from this increasingly endemic problem.
I am, sir, your most humble and obedient servant...X.
P.S. Happy caching, and welcome to our friendly community.