Sorry for my prolonged absence. Regrettably, I haven't been very busy on the geocaching recently and also haven't had time to read the forums, and only found out about Mark's sad passing when I tripped over a post on GAGB.
I'm both surprised and saddened by the death of the Mark (the Cat).
I had the pleasure of meeting Mark at the Chichester Meet (because I was early for once - one of the first few there, I had chance to talk to Mark for quite a while before anyone else turned up), and also at the Farley Mount Geocaching day (Mark gave me a couple of badges for my grandkids).
His boundless energy and enthusiasm were quite inspiring. Thank you Mark for all that you have done for Geocaching in the UK.
He will be sadly missed. My condolences to his family, and all of his friends.
One day my sigline will stop changing.
Until then, it's "Lost in the woods? Not if you remembered to waypoint the car!!".