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Thread: Spoilers

  1. #1

    Default Spoilers

    A local geocacher has posted a spoiler video to my new 5/5 cache on You Tube, I have asked him to remove it but he has basically said that he isn't going to. Is there anything that I can do about it. He is a Premium Member and has now posted several videos of local caches in the area.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    West/South Border


    No help, but what a pain.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    It must be very annoying but I can't think of any way you can stop it.

    Is there any way you can 'tweak' the whole cache so that the Spoiler no longer works? ... Then say nothing about it so that those who try following the Spoiler get totally frustrated.

  4. #4
    Simply Paul Guest


    Unless the cacher has linked to the video from their log - which you can ask/demand to be removed - the chances are no one doing the cache will see it unless they do a search for the cache name via google or other 'engine. It's annoying but will only spoil the cache for someone who looks for ways to spoil it for themselves.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2004
    South East Wales


    The terms of use of expressely forbid this. item 4. (m)

    Report them to Groundspeak,

    Volunteer UK Reviewer for
    UK Geocaching Information & Resources website Knowledge Books

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Much as I hate to disagree with Graculus , those ToU refer to what goes on on's own site.

    You and not Groundspeak, are entirely responsible for all content that you upload, post or otherwise transmit via the Site. You agree not to:

    (m) Publish, in any form of media, the solutions, hints, spoilers, or any hidden coordinates for any geocache without consent from the cache owner.

    I rather doubt that Groundspeak can control what someone chooses to post to a completely different site e.g. YouTube

    They can stop people putting Spoiler info and videos on their forums and I guess (technically) they could smack the wrists of people who send their mates spoiler hints via email through the website.
    I suppose they could say to someone, "Take that spoiler stuff off YouTube or we'll close your account..." but would they ever go that far?
    Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 24th August 2011 at 10:32 AM. Reason: to change the to their

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I don't know the specifics of this cache, but I quite like looking at differnet/difficult caches on you tube.

    In fact a few have given me some top ideas for caches - the like of which aren't in my area.

    I can understand the irritaion it causes but as stated above - does it really matter? Some will look to research the cache beforehand, spoiler photos, logs, even hints, what is the problem with the next step - you tube?

    Those who don't want to spoil it simply won't look (bit like challen........oops nearly )

    Just my tuppence worth.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset


    Now that you have brought the fact that there is a YouTube video, I have gone and searched for it. Assuming I am looking at the right one (uploaded yesterday), he states that he isn't going to show the container anyway, therefore I don't see it as a spoiler. You have already told people that the cache is in the bunker and uploaded old photos to the cache page so it is not like the location is going to be a surprise.

    Also, I have just looked at the cache page and the fact that you mention YouTube .... brings it to peoples attention (I can't see any mention of it in any logs)

    Maybe it is just me, but I can't see why this is a 5*T cache - a ladder is provided (although a steep/vertical one).

    I can't comment on the 5*D ..... but assume the cache is very well hidden that people are going to have to spend a considerable time in the bunker to be able to find it or something very clever about it that may require several visits. (one log mentions they spent 20mins searching)

    Link to ratings page
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    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  9. #9


    "Maybe it is just me, but I can't see why this is a 5*T cache - a ladder is provided (although a steep/vertical one).

    I can't comment on the 5*D ..... but assume the cache is very well hidden that people are going to have to spend a considerable time in the bunker to be able to find it or something very clever about it that may require several visits. (one log mentions they spent 20mins searching)"

    Unless you have actually placed the cache, or visited it, I really don't see how you can comment on the terrain difficulty
    Last edited by Jacaru; 24th August 2011 at 07:24 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by Jacaru View Post

    Unless you have actually placed the cache, or visited it, I really don't see how you can comment on the terrain difficulty
    Fair enough - just basing my judgement on the YouTube video.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Is this why you've made it a premium cache Jacaru? Fortunately I downloaded the cache details onto my Iphone prior to it being made a premium and hopefully I'll get it at some point this week, maybe even tonight if I can.
    I'd say report them to GS, they can't stop what goes onto other sites but they can stop them using the GS site.

  12. #12


    Hi, yep, one of the reasons, don't worry though, if you go and do it let me know and I will unlock it for you to log before locking it again.:cheers:

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    Hi I have to admit that I too looked for your cache on YouTube and found it (I think), looks awesome by the way. I love this type of site. Having used vertical ladders I would agree that a T5 rating would be a fair rating.

  14. #14
    Ve8 Guest



    The cacher concerned has featured quite a few inventive caches from the local area, the overall feelings appear to be positive from both COs and finders.

    Some COs would be honoured to be featured, others clearly not.
    Last edited by Ve8; 25th August 2011 at 07:56 PM. Reason: Opps, had not spotted MrsB's post.

  15. #15
    Ve8 Guest


    I have been asked to post the following:

    This post is from Sven, I am awaiting my registration being authorised by the mods at GAGB. In the meantime Ve8 is posting this on my behalf.

    The video in question is here

    I'm confused as to why the op is complaining, I received five emails from him complaining about the video which after I explained myself was finalised with this email:

    From: Daryl
    Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:19 PM
    To: Sven
    Subject: hi

    Hiya again,

    On second thoughts, sorry about the hassle I have been giving you. Just leave it [the video] up if you like.


    The day after I received this I tried phoning the op on four occasions, he didn't answer so I assumed the 'problem' was resolved?

    Bottom line is I haven't videod his cache as per the request in the description at the time.....I'm confused as to what the problem is.

    I do not name his cache or indicate any GC code in the video. Anyone wanting to find his cache cannot find my video at all.....

  16. #16

    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    So we're in to another character assassination on yet another forum - you should know better Tim!

    Posting from one cacher to another when it wasn't even sent to you is not on. This is obviously after Jacaru has asked for the spoilers to be removed (despite the cache page asking that vidoes and spoilers are not posted) only to be met with a brick wall, hence the email really saying just get on with it and spoil what you like!

    We know you and Daryl (Jacaru) have had differences in the past on other forums but why get involved again on here.

    If we want to go down that route I can enlighten everyone to the "beer fingered" exploits of the WebRat et al, on other forums.

    I ask the moderators close this thread down before it really does get out of hand.


  17. #17
    Ve8 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by wemnog View Post
    So we're in to another character assassination on yet another forum - you should know better Tim!

    Not following you there...

    It's true the I have unfinished business with your partner but I fail to see how any of the above could count as an assassination against his character.

    I've passed a brief opinion in one post and in another forwarded a unedited response from the person who is the subject of this thread.

    I also no need to close the thread

  18. #18


    Could the committee please close this thread down with immediate effect as it is obvious that certain individuals are endeavouring to hijack the thread in order to further their own personal adgenda against me. Many thanks.

  19. #19

    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Might be wise to close the thread as the op has openly admitted on another forum he's only made the post to wind people up

    I am quite happy to stand back and watch you all getting wound up about it!
    I'm not wound up, but I am completely baffled.
    Originally Posted by wemnog
    (despite the cache page asking that vidoes and spoilers are not posted) only to be met with a brick wall

    The cache page was edited after I visited and posted the video. At the time of my visit the page mentioned nothing about not making videos, it ONLY said please don't photograph the container, but you may photograph the bunker - a request that I honored.

    Although all this seems to be a mute point as it seems the whole point of this thread was just to wind everyone up as Jacaru admits in his latest blog post!
    Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 27th August 2011 at 03:01 PM.

  20. #20

    Join Date
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    As per OP's request that the thread be closed and as suggested in the previous post.
    Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 26th August 2011 at 02:31 PM. Reason: Edited reason for closing.

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