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Thread: BlueTooth GPSr

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us

    Default BlueTooth GPSr

    Since I started carrying cache information on my Android phone I was always concerned about the accuracy of the inbuilt GPS reciever.
    I decided to buy a BlueTooth GPS from good old EBay and ended up with the one shown above. It is a 20 channel SirfIII unit and normally shows an accuracy reading of +/-8ft and no worse than +/-12ft under average tree cover.
    It has really changed the ability of the phone to carry out the odd impromptu caching excursion. Because the inbuilt GPS unit is not turned on battery life on the phone is so much better and the BlueTooth unit will actually last for 8hrs + with ease from one charge.
    Combined with GDAk I can now carry my entire GSAK database with me , on my phone and use a reliable GPS.
    Charging is via a mini USB lead.
    Total cost of the unit I bought was £9.78 inc postage.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Carterton Oxon


    As you well know Dick, I am really computer illiterate - I have a blue tooth GPS unit I bought to try and work with the old palm pilot - needless to say I couldn't get it working. So have managed to "pair" it with the phone. Does this turn off the inbuilt GPS on phone or do I have to change anything ?
    Si vis pacem para bellum

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    I will do an update on this later
    Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 4th September 2011 at 03:32 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    Update time.
    All screen shots are from my Samsung Galaxy S but menus should be similar on all Android devices.
    To use a Bluetooth GPS unit with an Android Phone (not sure if Apple allow it on an iPhone) you need to download a free app, from the Android Market, called Bluetooth (see it HERE on the computer).
    Pair the unit with your phone as normal.
    When you wish to use the Bluetooth GPS unit you need to start the application and when this screen<image 1> appears choose which 'paired device' you are going to connect to and select <Connect>. You must enable 'Mock GPS' as seen in the second picture<image 2>.

    <image 1><image 2>
    Mock GPS can be turned on by accessing the Settings Menu and then Applications <screen 3 & 4>
    <screen 3> <screen 4>
    You should end up with something like this screen<screen 5>
    <screen 5>

    Hopefully this will help you all.
    If you Deploy or Discover Munzees you will not be able to use the Bluetooth GPS unit as they do not allow the use of 'Mock GPS'.

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