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Thread: Publicity for GAGB

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    There will be many members of the GAGB attending the HCC meet on the 19th July.

    It would be nice if all members be wearing some sort of identification or similar.

    So, tee-shirts, badges etc, would all be possibles.

    We will be producing the artwork for tee-shirt (iron-on transfers) for June & myself and will make this artwork available to anybody else who would like it.

    Does any member have a badge making machine who would like to offer the service ?

    Or does anybody else have any other ideas ?
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Bedfordshire, UK


    Try looking here, Tim... I hope I&#39;ve got the link right
    The link
    Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

  3. #3
    marinor Guest


    I recently bought some badges (buttons) from here bumblebuttons
    the service was excellent, delivery prompt and price very reasonable, custom designs are also available.

    all the best

  4. #4
    lord brian Guest


    hi tim where is the meet going to be??

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by lord brian@Jun 19 2003, 07:54 PM
    hi tim where is the meet going to be??
    It&#39;s near Winchester. You can find full details here.
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  6. #6
    The Bennett Family Guest


    We&#39;d love to have a copy of the artwork please&#33;

    We recently bought some T-Shirt transfers & have yet to use them, so this would be an excellent opportunity to give them a go. (providing we can use it with Dark T-Shirt transfers.)

    I&#39;ll have to make sure Sunita&#39;s willing to do the clever bit though, I&#39;m not sure how that Iron thingy works...

  7. #7
    Paul G0TLG Guest


    Me too&#33;

    Now then...what&#39;s one of these iron thingies?


  8. #8
    Geoff &amp; Bonnie Guest


    Originally posted by marinor@Jun 19 2003, 06:20 PM
    I recently bought some badges (buttons) from here bumblebuttons
    the service was excellent, delivery prompt and price very reasonable, custom designs are also available.

    all the best
    I also had badges (buttons) made by this lady, Vicky. She is a keen cacher and very helpful. So is the CAT&#33;

  9. #9
    plaid-dragon Guest


    I&#39;d like a copy of the artwork too, please. B)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I&#39;d like the artwork too &#39;though I won&#39;t be putting it on a Burka&#33; h34r: Where&#39;s the cheapest place for transfers?

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    The logo has now been redrawn and made available here

    The page will be integrated with the rest of the site for ease of access at some stage soon (we hope).

    Please dont forget to add the site address and then reverse the image if you are printing it on a tee-shirt transfer.

    I think it will work best on white tee shirts, if anybody has experience of colours, please post it here.

    I don&#39;t know where the cheapest place is to get ther trasfers from, sorry.

    If anybody has any comments, problems or suggestions, please post them here.
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Originally posted by LizCodd@Jun 21 2003, 12:46 PM
    Where&#39;s the cheapest place for transfers?
    We have just bought some Avery transfer stuff from PC World. They are currently doing a two for one offer (don&#39;t know if that is also at every store) and also do a pack for dark coloured tee-shirts.

    I&#39;m not too sure that the logo will work on a black tee-shirt because the words are also black. :

    The Light colour pack is £6.99 and the dark colour pack is £8.99, if you buy two packs, the cheapest is free.

    I like it when somebody says "It&#39;s Free"
    <span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>

  13. #13
    plaid-dragon Guest


    Don&#39;t know about transfers, but Tesco have had plain black and white Tees for £2.50 recently. I doubt you&#39;ll find cheaper T-shirts, and the quality is not too bad (okay, its not fruit of the loom, but its not going to fall apart on the first wash.)

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