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Thread: Warning

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us

    Default Warning

    If you are contemplating buying an Android Tablet from EBay DO NOT buy from this seller, a1cs-ltd.
    He does not care after the sale is done and he has got his feedback. Mine has stopped being a 'Touch Screen' now after only 3 months and he doesnt want to know, he just sends emails saying do this and do that but is not interested in refunding or replacing.
    EBay and PayPal are no use or help if the goods are over 60 days old.

    I repeat DO NOT buy from a1cs-ltd

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2011



    They are trading as a company which means that they have to conform to the Sale of Goods Act and the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations Act. These ensure that a set of goods has to be fir for purpose and of satisfactory quality.

    I would say that you would expecct the tablet to have lasted more than 3 months and therefore it fails the Sales of Goods Act as it is not fit for purpose.

    I would write to them (email and snail mail, registered) and say that you would like a replacement or refund as your are entitled to under the above acts and see what they say.

    I would also contact ebay and say you are not happy and the seller is in breach of the Acts. If you paid by credit card and it is more than £100, they can help you out as well.

    Have a look at h t t p : // (have less than 5 posts so cannot post proper link)

  3. Default

    What he/she/they said !


    Life is too important to take seriously !

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    It seems that they don't like the mention of the words 'Office Of Fair Trading' as once I mentioned that in an email I got an instant reply with the excuse that they had been having problems with email replies, yeah!!
    Thanks for the info folks

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