Originally Posted by
Alan White
Thanks for that - I did try, honest. Still, it's quite a recent Act and such things are rarely well publicised. Even the Highway Code doesn't make reference to it, except to say "Do not stop or park...Anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services", and I take that to mean access gates etc rather than hydrants.
However, the important point is that a fake fire hydrant sign does not "damage or obstruct a fire hydrant".
The point being that the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service contacted Groundspeak and requested that "False Fire Hydrants" not be used! Their reasoning being that it could cause a delay in getting a water supply, in a Emergency.
It would seem that contrary to your belief, they do actively use the signs to find the Hydrants.
The information on the Hydrant is (I'm happy to be corrected by a Fire Officer over this) Size of Pipe and Distance to the Connection from the sign.
As for someone having a dig about a GC Reviewer contacting the GAGB.
The issue was raised by a member of the community to other members in a public discussion location, about a specific cache. Someone then contacted the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, who then contacted Groundspeak. Groundspeak contacted the local Reviewers, who then contacted the GAGB.
No agenda on anyone with "Commercial Interests", no agenda by a GC Reviewer. The agenda comes directly from the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, expressing a genuine concern on their behalf. Does that answer the finger pointing at Groundspeak?
Any person who is negative about not using False Hydrant Signs, please contact your local Fire and Rescue Service, and ask them for their opinions on Geocachers putting out False Hydrant Signs, as part of a game.
Groundspeak have actioned a request off one Professional Fire and Rescue Service after someone who is or was a serving Fire Service officer, contacted them with his concerns. As they are the Professionals in this area, why should we who are not dispute their concern that the False Signs could cause a delay.
So as some would believe and finger point. It's not GC Reviewers trying to put into place a "Rule" applicable to "All" Listing Sites. Its a Emergency Service, who wish to see a Rule put in place. Is that a "Political" Knee Jerk or a attempt to avoid a member of a Emergency Crew from being delayed due to a False Hydrant sign?
It's interesting to note that Mid and West Wales Fire And Rescue Service covers a large part of GC's South Wales Region, that means their area borders on to at least 4 other Fire Service areas, so that means crews can be tasked into out of Area locations in Emergencies, not only in Wales but also into England and vice versa. Those Crews will be highly reliant on Hydrant Signs in unfamiliar areas, so false information could cause them serious issues.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC