As many of you know, recently two emCache members and one retired Webmaster stood for the GAGB committee elections. This led to several posts along the lines of emCache members spoiling the elections.
emCache is not one collective brainwashed organisation but is a community forum much like this one only without a committee. Anybody can be a member, you do not have to live in the East Midlands, much as anybody can be a GAGB member.
Recently emCache member have been at the centre of several large geocaching issues and discussions, here and elsewhere. I am sure you know what I am talking about.
This does not mean to say that we are all doing the same just because we are members. We are all individuals with our own though and feelings, much as members are on the GAGB forums. We do however sometimes share the same views sometimes and sometimes we don't!
Please don't tar us all with the same brush.