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Thread: Annual UK Mega Event 2014 - Ayrshire

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default Annual UK Mega Event 2014 - Ayrshire

    UK Mega Event Committee Account

    The Homecoming 2014 Mega Event Committee, was the the only committee to submit a request, therefore they have been awarded the account for 2014 and will be organising the Annual UK Mega event in August 2014 in Ayrshire, Scotland.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Porthcawl S Wales


    We are looking forward to going back to Scotland

  3. #3
    Simply Paul Guest

    Thumbs up

    I'm in Scotland every odd year (since 2003) so sadly, this is another Scottish Mega I'll miss, unless I skip 2013's visit and find somewhere else to go next year... Either way, good luck with it, cachers of Ayrshire (and beyond)! :cheers:

  4. #4


    So what's Bromley, is there a reason for trying to make that a Mega?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Jacaru View Post
    So what's Bromley, is there a reason for trying to make that a Mega?
    Appears to be a broken link ???
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."

  6. #6


    It's not working now, it was earlier. Here is the Facebook link.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    North Wales


    The UK had 4 different Mega events this year, each one different, and appealing to a different segment of the community. Each one successful in it's own right.

    The 2014 Annual UK Mega, will be the 7th in that Mega Series to take place. It has a General Format, but each separate organising Committee, puts their own Stamp on that Format.

    Piratemainia is just pure Manic Fun, and grows in strength each year. But in no way can it be compared the Annual UK Mega event. One is like a warm friendly embrace and the other is like Ghost Peppers

    We also had Geolimpix, which went out to stretch geocachers attending, and achieved that whilst wearing crowns made of laurel leaves

    Then we have the throw the ideas out of the box, redraw them and throw a fantastic Mega Event, Halloween Mega Event.

    So the Bromley Mega Committee, have several hurdles to cross, Achieving Mega Status, organising a unique Event, that attracts the community to it. Quite doable, with a lot of work, blood sweat, tears and tantrums hmy:

    So just like the community got behind the 4 separate Mega's here in the UK this year. Lets all get behind this insane group (and yes anyone attempting to organise a Mega Event, is certified insane and help them achieve their goal.

    We've gone from the "can we event support a Mega Event in the UK" to look we've supported 4 Separate ones, each different in it's own way.

    The Annual UK Mega Event, by it's very format and length of time that supporting events take place. Holds it's own unique niche within UK Mega Events, and will continue to do so, just as it has grown year on year. Just like Piratemania will take place in the period just before the run up starts. Allowing those who wish to attend both, simply moving between the 2 event locations, some would say that one without the other, would not be complete :socool:

    But that does not mean other Mega Events can't take place, because the UK community is at a stage where more than one or two each year, is totally sustainable

    My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!

    Brenin Tegeingl
    Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC

  8. #8


    Deci, don't worry, I wasn't having a go. I think the more the merrier. It's great that people get a chance to attend another Mega if they can't attend the annual.

    I was merely asking if there was a particular reason, or whether, (as you say) people are just mad and want to organise one. I doubt that I will make Scotland because of the distance and funds, but am pretty sure that I can make Bromley.

    Good luck to everyone who is organising any Mega in whatever part of the country.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Well in all fairness they haven't done a good job advertising it

    Geolympix ideas and promotion were all over the place in 2010, when they had barely started - I would not have known about this other 2014 "Mega" event if it wasn't for passing through here

    And also, every single Mega committee from this year can potentially organize another one next year and the next year, making it an annual event (well HHCC and PirateMania already are!) so with another one in 2014 we could be looking at 5 or 6 Mega's in the year, as more committees decide to organize one for their area as everyone else is hmy. - I think 4 this year was just about pushing it for number of Megas in a smallish county, and almost taking away the special feeling when you log an Attended a Mega, as I'm sure Geocachers who logged the first, second, third UK Megas will agree - logging them now with so many other Megas takes away the special feeling of a Mega and getting the icon, as they become more common. That's just my thought, I think the less the better []
    Last edited by Griff Grof; 8th December 2012 at 09:40 AM. Reason: Adding another comment
    GAGB Chair
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  10. #10

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    To be fair, I believe it has only just been announced.

    Geolympix was announced much earlier because they were bidding to hold the Annual UK Mega for 2012, but they lost out to the North West.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
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  11. #11

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    Another Mega for this year now Kent Mega

    Now it's a bit OTT
    GAGB Chair
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  12. #12

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    I think that is the Bromley one - it's moved a bit.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
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  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by border caz View Post
    I think that is the Bromley one - it's moved a bit.
    Correct. why however, I do not know.
    Last edited by Ryuchan; 3rd April 2013 at 04:27 PM. Reason: speeeling

  14. #14


    I have to admit that I have got bored now with Mega's. They are becoming ten a penny and don't have the special meaning that they used to have.

  15. #15

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    Back in 2010/11, while planning the Geolympix, we realised being a Mega wasn't enough. As Jacaru points out, after the first five (to the Welsh Mega of 2011), anyone who wanted it had already got the icon, so you needed to offer more. We came up with the 11 Icons in 11 Hours challenge (which needs a Mega to work!) and so a very crazy day was born... Put simply, to draw a crowd you need a hook. Either lots of FTF caches being put out (Halloween Mega), a big camping aspect and stands (UK roving Mega) or dressing up as a Pirate (Piratemania). Once the Kent Mega is listed (probably as a std event to start with, as it's aiming to be a 1st time Mega) I'll add it to this bookmark list of British & Irish Mega events. From what I know of their plans, it looks like an interesting addition to the UK's social caching scene for 2014. Good luck to the team behind it. It's at the very other end of the country from the Ayr Mega at least

  16. #16

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    Nr Pershore, Worcs


    Not really been paying attention for a while but did the Irish Mega ever come into being, if not is it likely to?

  17. #17

    Join Date
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    Porthcawl S Wales


    Haven't heard anything for a while - gone quiet.

  18. #18

    Join Date
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    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by L8HNB View Post
    Not really been paying attention for a while but did the Irish Mega ever come into being, if not is it likely to?
    After I mentioned it on one of the Irish facebook groups there was a lot of interest and a committee was being formed to discuss it - for either 2016 or 2017. I've not heard anything since - but have just posted asking for an update.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  19. #19

    Join Date
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    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by Maple Leaf View Post
    After I mentioned it on one of the Irish facebook groups there was a lot of interest and a committee was being formed to discuss it - for either 2016 or 2017. I've not heard anything since - but have just posted asking for an update.
    No decision has been made yet - they are hoping to have a get together soon.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  20. #20

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Nr Pershore, Worcs


    Thanks for that!
    We'd definitely be up for a trip to Ireland. Been over several time but all before we started caching unfortunately.

    Back on thread, there doesn't seem to be much happening on the Ayr Mega website.

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