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Thread: Goodbye

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us

    Default Goodbye

    Alas, poor GAGB I knew it well.
    Now is the time that I feel I have to say a complete goodbye before I say things that should not be said.

    I shall be gone a while and may not bother returning. :wacko:

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Porthcawl S Wales


    I am sorry you have resigned but I know we will keep in touch

    Lilian xxxx

  3. Default

    Richard, that's just plain daft - all it means is that there's one less reasonable (And knowledgeable) voice to argue against the morons !

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Carterton Oxon


    after reading the latest batch of attacks on our poor organisation - who'se only object is to try and support all UK cachers I am getting to the point where I agree entirely with you - I see no point in trying to update the landowner agreements now as most of the cachers (if we only have 500 of the 8000 cachers) seem to think that we shouldn't look after them anyway - As I said before I shall not be standing for election this time and its only the updating of new members that stops me from resigning right now. :wacko::wacko:
    Si vis pacem para bellum

  5. #5
    nobbynobbs Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Predictable Bob View Post

    Richard, that's just plain daft - all it means is that there's one less reasonable (And knowledgeable) voice to argue against the morons !

    It's a terrible shame you feel like this Richard, There are a few people who have disagreed with aspects of the GAGB and have been debating the points. Surely the organisation welcomes this as everyone always says to try and effect change from within.
    Despite the fact that when anyone does certain people feel the need to refer to them as morons.

    Take it easy mate and see you soon.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Palujia View Post
    I see no point in trying to update the landowner agreements now as most of the cachers (if we only have 500 of the 8000 cachers) seem to think that we shouldn't look after them anyway
    That's not the case at all. Yes, the GAGB represents a minority of cachers but hosting the GLAD is a useful function which benefits all 8000, not just the 500. Yes a few people have criticised the GAGB for hosting it and a huge majority have expressed no opinion, but many more have supported it.

    And to get back on topic, Sorry to see you giving up Richard.

  7. Default

    Certain people Mr Nobbs ? My name's quite obviously Bob !

    I used the word because there's been a continuous stream of criticism of the committee with quite a lot seemingly aimed at Dick - one person in particular appeared to take Dicks old tagline as meaning that he'd been in prison when anybody with an ounce of common sense realised that it was actually a bit of humour ! The result of all of the criticism and stupidity is that the GAGB has effectively lost one of it's most staunch supporters and a wealth of knowledge.

    I seriously doubt that the majority of those critics will give any of their time to the GAGB and a cynic could be forgiven for thinking that it's all part of a scheme to destroy the GAGB

    Standing on the sidelines sniping is dead easy - if the critics had any guts they'd get involved and move the organisation forward but I won't be holding my breath waiting for it to happen

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    As someone who has been viewing the going-on from a far, I personally think that this is a very sad day for GAGB and for UK caching in general.

    It is always very sad when what should be a reasoned debate reduces itself into a personal diatribe which will ultimately never gather success from anyside of the argument as there will be festering issues still to be dealt with.

    As I have no experience of the history of some of the people in GAGB, I have always said that we should put aside our differences and move forward for the benefit of all geocachers.

    Hindsight is always a great thing and makes things very easy to comment on how it would only have been better if we had done it this way. The committe (past, present and future) have put their heads above the parapet and are willing to give up not insignificant time, resource and money to try to better geocaching in the UK.

    There will always be detractors but if we have an air of transparency, where all committe (and sub-committee) meetings are fully documented (agenda and minutes), then I honestly believe that the vast majority of people will be behind the committe(s) even if they do not agree 100% behind a particular decision - they will be able to see why a decision has been made.

    It is always a huge loss when (as it appeared to me from afar) that a snesible and level-headed member of the community has been pushed so hard (on many levels) that they believe that the enjoyment has gone out of it. As a member of several committees, I know that there will always be times it is not enjoyable but I do it for the greater good and that is what OUR committee are doing.

    If people do not agree with the direction of the committee/GAGB, they should stand up and try from the inside to change it - please note that this does NOT mean that you must be a committee member (although it helps) but anyone can use reasoned debate to inform and possibly transform others thinking.

    Can I humbly ask that we stick to debating (not arguing) the issues which we have and come a consensus about the way forward or I can see Richard's comment becoming fact and that will be of no help to any UK cacher.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Church Warsop, Notts


    I'm not party to the offending comments, but it's a shame that things have been said that led to you feeling that you have no option but to resign. I hope it doesn't put you off the game altogether and you're happy to take a back seat.

  10. #10
    nobbynobbs Guest


    That anyone for any justification has used these forums to name call or cast insults is reprehensible.

    We're all adults who should be able to debate without anything of that nature.

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