Hello all...
I'm a newcomer to caching with my first find in January this year and I quickly became hooked. I live in Hertfordshire with my dog but spend a lot of time up in Suffolk with my partner, caching from there.
It's very much "cache-on-a-budget" for me so I'm using an app on my Android phone rather than a dedicated GPSr; it's not the most accurate instrument and I've had my fair share of frustrating fossickings but on the whole I manage to enjoy myself .
Caching has already introduced me to footpaths and byways close to home I never knew were there (or had driven past and vaguely wondered how to get to) and encouraged me to get more adventurous in my trips out (I famously have no sense of direction, so having an arrow to follow is a major boon).
There's also been great fun enjoying the ingenuity of some caches we've seen and solved (still two Bassetts to do!). On the minus side, an amount of nettle stings and one cache involving an electric fence that still rankles even though we solved it, and flipping IVY (grrrr); but one lives and learns.
Am now looking forward to a summer (if we get one) of caching trips...