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Thread: Consultation on Guidelines / Best Practice

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire

    Default Consultation on Guidelines / Best Practice

    The GAGB committee have been reviewing the GAGB guidelines. We are considering the replacement of the existing Guidelines with a set of Best Practice statements; we now wish to consult with members over the draft which has been produced. The consultation period will last for two weeks and we would like people to post their constructive comments and suggestions about how these can be improved and whether this is the right approach?

    This is an opportunity to move forwards from the current position and we don’t expect the draft to be perfect. Therefore it would be helpful if people can propose textual improvements for inclusion.

    Once the consultation period has closed, the committee will consider this input and decide on the way forwards.

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    There's been a bit of a boob on the formatting, and the section headed "Caches on SSSI and SAM" is also included at the end of the section headed "Police and Geocaching"

    I think the section on Fire Hydrant signs is too specific. I seem to remember that during the discussions on here over the incident that prompted this item it was generally agreed that there should be a general rule to cover emergency signage and/or equipment, perhaps citing Fire Hydrant signs as an example. Perhaps a trawl of the relevant threads will throw up some suitable text.

    Still digesting the rest.

  3. #3
    keehotee Guest


    Best Practice
    When placing or retrieving a geocache consider if it is safe, legal, decent

    If you include "decent" you will need to define decency - which would be an almost impossible task. What many people consider fine, someone will always disagree with! Suggest leaving it out.

    If you are challenged by a Police Officer whilst geocaching then you should immediately explain about geocaching
    Suggest including the highlighted words above.

    1.Ensure the cache container is clearly marked, stating that the content is harmless and giving the placer‘s e-mail address or other contact method (e.g. GAGB contact phone number).
    This will exclude many camoflaged and "novelty" cache containers.
    If listing sites decide to enforce these guidelines when reviewing, camo'ed containers will not be allowed. Suggest altering wording to remove mandatory implication ie. Where possible, mark your container clearly and with a personal identifier, forexample.

    10.No caches should be of a commercial nature, either in location or content.
    Not all listing sites disallow commercial caches! Can't see how a commercial cache would harm geocaching or the public perception of caching. Suggest this is removed and left to individual listing site's own rules if necessary.

    13.Please do not bring geocaching into disrepute, never drive your car anywhere other than where legally allowed , and always park legally and considerately.

    Suggest wording is changed as shown. Driving is perfectly legal on some byways, and we should not think to disallow it where it is allowed. Also, I have been the victim of some appalling - although still legal - parking by cachers myself in the past..... suggest "considerate" is added to wording.
    Last edited by keehotee; 17th June 2012 at 08:02 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    We(s)t Cumbria


    Police and geocaching: not sure where the paragraph regarding grandfathered caches really belongs. A definition of grandfathered might be useful (I hadn't come across grandfather rights etc. until I started caching).

    DSWs: clarification as to whether this applies to ruined walls and sheepfolds as opposed to 'working' ones. My personal opinion is that it should to avoid the inevitable grey areas. Also include lime mortar walls which can also be pretty fragile.

    Numbered Best Practice section: would this be better at the beginning before readers' attention drifts off?

    Point 9: include walls, or at least DSWs.

    Point 10: notwithstanding keehotee's comment would this also include instances like a cache owner leaving cards to promote his photography business or people promoting an agenda (e.g. we've come across literature from both ends of the religious spectrum)?

    Add a statement to the effect that what applies in the UK doesn't necessarily apply overseas and vice versa.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I agree with keehotee's suggestions and also agree that the "fire hydrants" section is far to specific, although serves as a good example. Problems could be experienced with too many specific clauses added. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) not meaning to be rude it is a phrase often used by guidance writers .

    I am surprised there are not more comments being made, that must mean you got it bang on? hmy:
    Trust your feelings, let go your conscious self

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Church Warsop, Notts


    Good comments so far. I need a bit more time before giving a response, except to say that although the general idea is fine I think that it still looks like a list of guidelines / rules rather than a handy and concise guide to best practice.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Physical caches or physical cache stages should not be placed within the boundary of Network Rail railway stations, associated car parks, footbridges or immediately adjacent public spaces.

    I know there has been some discussion on these boards about this, but I really don't see how Network Rail can object to caches being placed in public spaces that just happen to be adjacent to their property. How many parks etc would be excluded from having caches placed because they border a railway line?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Gt. Limber. Lincs


    Thank you for these.
    I agree with the comments referring to the use of 'decent' I think that's quite an ambiguous word with in that sentence and needs to be better defined.

    I'm still digesting it and will revisit it again.

    There's not been a big response to the ask. Has it been mentioned on the GAGB facebook page as that seems to have a high volume of traffic?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Gt. Limber. Lincs


    I should have added that on many nanos and camo containers it's nigh on impossible to ensure the container is clearly marked. This would compromise many fantastic hides surely?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Please remember that each listing site has its own guidelines. Some sites may insist that the below advice is strictly followed, others may be more flexible in their approach.
    I will freely admit to having a vested interest in the outcome of the consultation but the above passage manages to come across as both judgemental of the 'strict' listing sites whilst at the same time conveying a lack of conviction in your own best practice notes.

    Surely if the committee (and the majority of the voting membership) don't believe in an aspect of the best practice guide it should be omitted whereas if they do it should be wholeheartedly endorsed?

    Just my 2d worth.

    Mike / Andalusite

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Where does it become judgemental rather than state that some treat as rules where others treat as guidelines?

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    newcastle upon tyne (cullercoats)


    May take a few days to digest these for a full reply but no:10 stands out - cachers are always leving some sort of buissnes info from buisness cards to info thay have for money of at a local cafe/bar ect in most cases if we find one we think its great, i dont think promoting a buissness harms caching in a lot of respects its good ( a fellow cacher will always give you a deal ) its better than the masons,,,,,,,

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Gt. Limber. Lincs


    I'd like to query number 10. 'no caches should be of a commercial nature' as I have found some cracking caches hidden in fake coke cans and of course there are the bottle top caches etc, which tend to have branding on them. Where would that leave those?

    I think I disagree with the wording of 10.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Staffordshire Moorlands


    Is it worth adding a bit in about BT phone boxes as well?

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Before I edit this........

    Would people prefer it split into two sections with things like no caches in dry stone walls under "rules". SSSI no caches without permission etc.

    Then a best practice section

    I can then produce two documents

    One as just best practice and a further one with rules to go to the vote.

  16. #16
    keehotee Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose39uk View Post
    Before I edit this........

    Would people prefer it split into two sections with things like no caches in dry stone walls under "rules". SSSI no caches without permission etc.

    Then a best practice section

    I can then produce two documents

    One as just best practice and a further one with rules to go to the vote.
    Do all the listing sites adhere to and enforce the GAGB guidelines? If not, we have no place imposing "rules" and should leave those to individual listing sites.

  17. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Quote Originally Posted by keehotee View Post
    Do all the listing sites adhere to and enforce the GAGB guidelines? If not, we have no place imposing "rules" and should leave those to individual listing sites.

  18. #18

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Forests and Woodlands

    Hi, In the distant past I have organised several MTB Events in Forests, and when getting FC permission, we were told that we could go anywhere and do almost as we pleased, as long as we gave any harvesting activities a wide berth.

    One stipulation was made however, and that was that we should not use anything metallic, to hold our signs and check-points onto the trees. i.e. no nails or screws or wire rope, as these could end up damaging woodworking machinery if left on any trees.

    Maybe this needs pointing out to any would be cache setter on FC property.

    regards... Phi.

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