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Thread: Latest Developments

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Post Latest Developments

    This forum has gone very quiet of recent, so I thought I'd let anyone who's interested know of the latest developments in the world of trigging:

    T:UK - the number of triangulation stations listed on T:UK has increased by some 40% in the last year or so, with the addition of the remaining (known) Active & Passive Stations, some more bolts and blocks, and somewhat contentiously, by the inclusion of a large number of Intersected Stations.

    There has been a fair bit of heated discussion about Intersected Stations in trigging circles, and it might well lead to a significant rejigging of the T:UK database structure at some point in the future, but for now they can be logged just like other types of trig station.

    What are they? Basically, they are the equivalent of Intersections in U.S. benchmarking: prominent landscape feature, such as church spires, lighthouses, monuments or similar that were used by OS surveyors, but not actually occupied or marked physically in any way. The list of those added so far is here - coverage is still patchy, but there might well be one down your way that's worth visiting.

    YOSM - the list of trigs included in the Ye Old Survey Monuments list recently passed the 500 mark - TP6459 Thorny Gale was chosen as YSM500 to mark the 50th anniversary of the completion of the retriangulation of Britain in June 1962.

    Facebook - there is a FB group 'Finding all the UK Trigpoints' where photos etc can be posted.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I didn't know about Intersected Stations. On browsing the list I find that I can see two of them from my home - thanks for the information!
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