I have been reading this and the other thread with much interest.
My first comment is that it would make sense (to me at least) that there is only one thread as there is the possibility of information in one thread being missed/misinterpreted in the other. Personally, I am not that bothered which thread is used but could understand why someone may want to use the members only thread (the same reasons the members only area was set up).
I find it very promising that there is frank and open discussion going on although it is mostly between the two protagonists. I wonder how may people are reading the two threads but do not wish to ask questions/get involved.
The position of the chairman is important in many areas and I would like to see definition of chair well defined. According to the draft constitution under Honorary Officers
"During the month of November the Members of the Association shall elect a chairman"
This makes the position of chair sound titular to me and not a position of power. The next section states the chairman is in the Executive Committee which makes it sound as if there is power.
The role of a chair (IMHO) is to presides over committee meetings and ensure that they are conducted in an orderly fashion. An orderly fashion to me means that there are full minutes of the meeting available (excpeting any confidential items) and that any voting which takes place is documented.
When not at meetings, the chair should be seen as acting as its head, its representative to the outside world and its spokesperson; a person who speaks on behalf of the Executive Committee and therefore the members.
Some questions which I have (some of these may sound harsh but the GAGB is a "business" whether we like it or not!):
- Would the candidates be willing to become a vice-chair in the event of them not winning the election ? (This would mean a change to the constitution I would guess)
- Although I understand the need for some sort of continuity of committee members, would candidates be willing to basically start with a clean slate and forget what has happened in the past ?
For clarity, I am not talking about a personal level but rather the corporate level. If we have a clean slate, GAGB can re-assert the ideals with which it was started and become an independent voice in the UK for all cachers. The past is past and we need to be forward looking IMHO.
- Do either of the candidates see the requirement for sub-committes ? If so, which ones; how will they operate and what will be the reporting mechanism to the main Executive Committee.
- Can the candidates please declare any pecuniary interests which they have which may have a bearing not only on this election but also on the position of chair going forward.
- Would the candidates agree to propose the publication of full minutes of the Executive Committee (and any sub-committees) rather than the abridged ones we currently get. I understand that confidential items have to remain "hidden" but there should be a reltionship between the full minutes and any confidential items.
The proposal will go to the new committee and be agreed and/or a new constitution to force this to happen may be required.
- Will the candidates agree that they will propose that any major issues which have been highlighted by members AND non-members, either in the GAGB forums or other social media will be discussed in a transparent manner with relevant organisations?
I am thinking of the example of the recent burying issue. This was of importance to UK (and wider) cachers and was a topic of discussion on several Facebook pages. There were several people (myself included) who contacted Groundspeak for clarification and I believe that has caused Groundspeak to consider the issue - they may not have done much about it but they at least discussed it.
I shared the correspondence I had with Groundspeak as there was nothing confidential or business related and felt that it was for the betterment of the caching community that people saw the types of response GS made.
Again, for clarity, please not that the above is an example and I would hope that any correspondence with caching organisations/ACPO etc will be published wherever possible and that the Chair/committee challenged any restriction on publication where there is no confidential information.
- Will the candidates propose that the GAGB liaise with ALL caching organisations and to distill all rules/guidelines into an easy to use document that allows cache owners and finders to understand the limitations of each organisation and the possible impact of doing something will have for the entire community ?
- Will the candidates be willing to work on not just a new version of the consitution but also a set of policies/procedures ? These policies/procedures would define what is acceptable from not just the Executive Committee but also members.