I have accepted my nomination in the election for GAGB Chairman.

One of the key things I would like to improve, if elected, is transparency of our organisation. In this regard, I asked the other candidate if we could move the hustings into this section of the forum, since anyone joining GAGB now won't be eligible to vote this year. The other candidate does not share my view and did not agree to the move. I respect the other candidate's right to privacy and request that anyone adding to this thread does not mention them by name or moniker either, unless and until they choose to join this discussion themselves, which I would of course welcome.

Transparency is so important to me that I feel it is necessary and appropriate to put what I say into practice from the outset. To that end, I am re-posting my election statement and my answers to questions that have been asked, from the members-only forum to this thread which is in public view. However, I will only re-post my replies if the questioners consent to me re-posting their questions too, so thanks to those who agree to this. (The order of postings might thus be different.)

I hope this openness will be received well by our wider Geocaching community. I am willing to field questions from non-members of GAGB, on the understanding that my replies can also be posted here. As you cannot post your questions here, please send them by email to caching at sandvika.co.uk

Thanks and rest regards, Roderick Parks (Sandvika)