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Thread: The Geocachers' Code

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    A Geocachers' Code has recently been published. The Code is independent of any geocaching body, and was drawn up as a result of discussion amongst cachers. We the GAGB committee were not involved in this, but we support the Geocachers' Code and have added it to the GAGB website here.

    Bill, on behalf of the Committee
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    St Helens, Lancs, UK


    While I understand Bill's reasons for adding this code to the site, I am saddened that it should be necessary. We have adequate guidelines in place and if people need to be spoon fed with common sense - well may be they do seeing some of the daft and irresponsible things people do with and around caches but I fear that these people are not the ones who will bother to even look at the code and even less take notice of it.
    Enjoy your caching!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    John, it was the committee's decision to add the code to the website and not Bill on his own.

    We agreed that whilst much of this is simply common sense, it may be helpful to either new cachers or indeed landowners to be able to see that caching is well thought through and we are giving good guidance.

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

  4. #4
    MCL Guest


    One good reason for adding it is that if we hadn't, people could have legitimately asked "why not?". All we needed to make sure was that it contained nothing that was contra to any of our existing guidelines. Since there is no clash, and since the code contains nothing more than good common sense, to deliberately NOT support it would be seen as a massive reason to question the GAGB's standing in the caching community.

    In some ways, it's an awkward situation, akin to someone asking you whether you are going to beat your wife any more....

    "Are you going to support these perfectly reasonable and understandable requests for common sense?"


    "Oh REALLY???!!!".....


    Then there really would be some questions to answer and I wouldn't like to be the one doing the answering

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