Notes of GAGB committee meeting, held 6th Jan 2005, 8:30pm

1) Meeting held by telephone conference call. Present: Dave, Bill, Martyn & Paul (chair). Apologies from Sarah

2) all 4 present voted to co-opt Ian Harris (Teasel) to the committee, to continue to maintain / develop the GAGB website. The coopted post is as a full committee member, but WITHOUT voting rights

3) Paul to contact Simon (Hokesters) to follow up his earlier interest in helping GAGB

4) Geocachers Code discussed: felt that the GAGB should be seen to support such initiatives. Besides, if we don’t we could be asked “why not?”

5) Landowner permissions: good progress made in 2004... we need to try & put together a more “coordinated approach” for 2005, along with others in UK who are also working on landowner permissions.

6) The committee was happy with the positive progress made in 2004 by GAGB, in that we are generally now seen to be "an enabling organisation".

7) Aim for 2005: “To generate more progress for the coming year”