Although I don't tweet myself as I don't feel the needed to, I follow several things I'm interested in.
Loving the 'more active' GAGB feed![]()
Although I don't tweet myself as I don't feel the needed to, I follow several things I'm interested in.
Loving the 'more active' GAGB feed![]()
I'm the same as you, have an account to follow a few things, but don't have/want followers as I don't tweet myself.
However, my phone has been 'tweeting' a lot in the last few days ..... northking and bobo frett are to blame I think
I wonder if they made a note of how many followers we had last Friday, when they were given acccess to the account?
GAGB member since 2005
GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)
Have notiiced that there are items posted on Twitter that have had no mention on the forum, surely the info should be shared on all the GAGB mediums so as all members can read the info.
Not the answer I would have expected from somebody who was a candidate for the committee.
I don't have Twitter (but I do use Facebook)...what did I miss?
all the more reason why it should be on here as well.
I think that the Twitterverse is a different place to forums, and if all those 1 line tweets were posted on the forums it would tend to look like spam.
A suggestion for the future though: When the site redesign is done it's possible to insert a widget on the page which shows twitter feeds, so that could be used to follow the GAGB twitter account, and thereby allow non twitter users to see what's being tweeted.
Yes to the twitter widget. I've already looked into that and have the code for it. It's just fitting it in somewhere and not having the site look cluttered.
I don't think anyone has missed anything particularly exciting if they haven't been following @thegagb Just some handy links. I think it's great that the GAGB account is tweeting more. It gets us out there and will hopefully bring new member interest. Surely it can only do good?
My Geocaching Blog:
I take the blame for the Twitter feed, (sorry that you felt it wasn't interesting Cass!) Just to clarify for the Forum users, I agree with martybartfast that Twitter is a completely different beast to a forum and Facebook. At this moment in time Stephen and I are trying to raise our Twitter and Facebook profile, Twitter is mainly a case of following some good relevant groups, and hope that it may help us at a later date with negotiations etc. I have retweeted a few items and also tweeted a couple of links to dead drop caches and the UK's 10 oldest caches. We intend to try to link/highlight at least one interesting caching related item each day. Cass has explained about the widget, which hopefully will then display our tweets on the website. Hope that clarifies the situation.
Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
I think that's the joy (or not) of it Palujia. You can subscribe or not. It is an incredibly effective tool in raising awareness and one the GAGB would be daft not to utilise. I think, as mentioned above, it would be wrong to cascade ALL that information into the forums but if there is information of use to all cachers then I am sure it shall be shared here.
Well you can carry on without me ! I have limited access to an elderly computer and do not wish to skate all over the interweb looking for things I'm probably not interested in - put on by people who seem to speak in a different language to the one I speak and write - I'll stick to this forum and get my cache info from GS - and a good afternoon to you Sir(or madam)
Si vis pacem para bellum
Ha the joys of forum interaction. Social media is used by a lot of people, especially smartphone users. Just because some do not do Facebook or Twitter doesn't mean that we, as a Nationwide association should stand aside and allow players to cosy up in Regional Groups and continue to ask 'what does the GAGB do etc'. Maybe if the forums were a little less negative more people would drop in.
Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.
Which ones were you specifically thinking of?
I've just had a read back through the GAGB twitter posts/Retweets and several of them are quick links and probably not really a forum thread.
However, a Facebook feed and Twitter feed and links etc are going to the new website ... so everyone should have access to them (assuming they visit the website!)
Personally, I like to see different things appearing in different places as it keeps people visiting all sites.
I know that some people use software that posts the same message in both Twitter and facebook. For those people, I don't bother reading their Twitter posts as I know I will have already read it on FB.
GAGB member since 2005
GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)