Follwoing some sterling work by several members of the committee, the GAGB Landowner Agreements Database has received the first pass of the revision process.
We have been right through the "Agreements" section (all 89 current "permission to cache" agreements) and sorted the broken links, changed text into links where appropriate, and dealt with a few more significant issues where agreements had expired.
We are grateful to Graculus who has provided a further check to highlight some other issues which have been resolved.
There are now three remaining issues in progress, these have been noted in the text of the agreement so that cachers can be clear where agreements are current.
The next phase of our revision process will be to make the contents clearer, supported in due course by a revision of the database as part of the more general website overhaul. We will post again about this in due course.
At this stage I'd like to make a general request for any errors that people have spotted in GLAD - please check that anything you've spotted in the past hasn't been corrected - and then to let me know?
In closing, I'd like to thank Northking who has contributed a renewal of the Shropshire Wildlife Trust agrement and also a brand new agreement for Broxtowe Borough Council, Nottingham.