Originally posted by JonandBecci@Feb 23 2005, 05:11 PM
My first post... After hours of reading reviews on gps handhelds and trying to find the best value for about 100quid I realised to get the really useful features I needed to spend a little more.
I wanted intergrated memory, mapping capability and connectivity to my pc.
I hope the Etrex Legend does everything I need, fingers crossed it arrives tomorrow from www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk cost me 135. Closer to 200 on the highstreet.
Will do my 1st cache with it asap
: and let you know how I get on. If anyone knows any good caches around the Malverns, can you let me know the details?
Hi Guys,
Welcome to the sport/hobby/addiction. From the price you've paid I suspect that you've bought the 'older' Legend not the newer Legend 'C'.
I've been using a Legend since I started caching in 2003 and to be honest, it's done everything I needed with no problems what so ever.
The base map that comes pre-loaded is, however, a load of old tosh and is only useful for the most basic of navigation tasks. If you want to use your new toy for navigating around our roads and lanes, you'll need one of Garmin's MapSource products. As the Legend only has 8Mb of memory, the most sensible solution would be the Roads & Recreation version. I don't think this is available new any more but you should be able to pick one up reasonably cheaply on Ebay. The map tiles in this version take up less memory space than the MetroGuide or City Select versions and you can load a bigger area of maps into you limited memory. If you have any problems or need any help, e-mail me via my profile on geocaching.com
Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.