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Thread: buying GPSr

  1. #1
    sabre Guest


    Can someone help please? what sort of GPSr do I need for this wonderful sport/hobby?. I have been looking at the range of Garmin's products & thought about the basic Garmin e Trex as a starter unit. Will this do the job or do I need to look further up the range? please let me know as my good lady has agreed to my hobby & I want to get out as soon as possible.

  2. #2
    The Hokesters Guest


    Hi Sabre,

    The basic eTrex is fine for Geocaching and can be picked up for as little as £60 on eBay.

    There are cheaper models out there too from about £45 but I don't think they come with data cables. A data cable will no doubt become essential if you get hooked!

    The cable allows you to bulk download waypoints to the GPSr and can connect to a laptop or PDA with mapping software so you can track your position on maps.

    I would recommend looking at the Geko series which are smaller units than the eTrex range. I have a Gelo 301 and it is perfect for the sport.

    Check out these topics on the forums - Newbie Info - Which GPSr.

    Let me know if you need anything else.


  3. #3
    sabre Guest


    Thanks for the answer & the links have been very helpful think i'll go for the basic e Trex if I need to up grade at a later date i'll negotiate with her indoors at the right moment (meal's out for two )

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