I entered a TB in the UK to Australia TB race recently, and a cacher retrieved it, took it to a few caches and then left it in a cache for moving on. The TB is http://coord.info/TB5N8NA
The cache was subsequently found three times with no mention of the TB. It was then found a fourth time, and the finder kindly messaged me that the TB was not in the cache. http://coord.info/GC17A54
I have contacted the three intermediate cachersand they have all messaged me back stating that the TB was not in the cache when they found it. I have messaged the cacher who placed the TB in the cache, but not received a reply yet.
It seems to me that as the cache has not been muggled, the TB has most likely been deliberately removed. Apparently there have been several TBs in the race that have so far gone missing, and so it therefore seems like a campaign of interference or spoiling behaviour on someone's part is being waged on the race participants.
Any suggestions as to what should be done? Should I report it to Her Majesty's Constabulary, as the tag and attachment cost me around £9 and this has now been stolen?
Any suggestions or opinions would be much appreciated.