Geocaching on Radio 4 (Open Country)
A couple of months ago, the GAGB were contacted by the producer of Radio 4 Open Country program to find out more about geocaching.
The outcome was that they went along to The Mega Halloween 2013 (GC4AJ32) and spoke to Colin Wells (Flamedodger) from the Halloween Crew and some of the Groundspeak Reviewers and Geocachers out in Salcey Forest, Northamptonshire on 26th October 2013.
The program was first broadcast on Radio 4 Open Country on Thursday 7th November 2013 (3pm) and again on Saturday 9th November (6am) and is available as a podcast. (Link to BBC Radio 4 – Open Country)
We are aware that the program is responsible for at least one new geocacher - who attended an event in Falkirk (GC4Q3N0) - gaining their first 'find' and two souvenirs (UK & Space event) in the process. Welcome to RKennedy12.
Any other new members as a result of the Open Country program?
GAGB member since 2005
GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)