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Thread: Candidates for 2013/2014 Committee elections

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default Candidates for 2013/2014 Committee elections

    This thread is for the CV/Manifestos of the candidates and will be locked.

    There is a discussion and Q&A forum here

    The 13 candidates standing in the 2013/2014 Chairman elections are (in alphabetical order):

    • *Geocass* (Cass Flowers)
    • abiherts (Abigail Hamilton-Thompson)
    • AngoranBob (Colin Thurlbourn)
    • Cache on Wheels (Heather Bull)
    • countrymatters (Terry Marsh)
    • daddyanddude (Dax Wood)
    • Fudgeman (Andy Packer)
    • JackieC (Jackie Catterall)
    • mollyak (Lilian Maund)
    • Poole_Man (Paul Weaver)
    • Richlay (Richard Lay)
    • Sharant (Sharon Reid)
    • ukcachemag (Adam Redshaw)

    The election of the eight Committee places Chairman will be by SurveyMonkey email ballot between Friday 22/11/13 and Saturday 30/11/13 and will be run by Ladybug Kids (Michael Malvick) who is serving as our Independent Returning Officer.

    Each eligible GAGB member (prior to 1st Oct) will be able to cast a maximum of 8 votes (as per constitution section N10).

    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 14th November 2013 at 11:40 PM. Reason: Added candidate names
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Cass Flowers/*geocass*

    CV/Manifesto for Cass Flowers/*geocass*

    I'm Cass, *geocass*. I've been caching since March 2010, but in that time have found nearly 13,000 caches! I've maintained a Geocaching blog for most of that time ( which has many readers and subscribers. I enjoy long walks on big caching series, but also try to hunt out those individual caches which will provide a great adventure. I've contributed a lot of these caching adventures and photos to the GAGB Seeker magazines.

    I've been on the GAGB committee for the past two years. During this time I've taken on the role of website administrator and have built a really good knowledge of how the existing site functions. Part of my role this year included updating and patching the back-end software for the site, monitoring and (Successfully!) preventing attempted hacking attacks which were causing huge performance issues, and writing code to improve forum user registration to help prevent spam and bogus user registrations. I work full time in IT as a Systems Administrator, which includes the management of a few web servers as well. I'm a self confessed geek and very proud of that fact! I'm also studying a part-time Master Degree in Computer Security and Forensics. Although this is massively eating into my free time it includes a big focus on website security which has already helped in my role as web admin. I'd like to continue supporting the site and its users as I feel that I have the technical skill set required, and most importantly I feel that the GAGB is a great asset to the UK caching communtity so I want to help.

    A long-term project whilst on the committee has been to redesign the current website. I've already spent about 200 hours working on customisations for it, however as it involves a lot of custom code has needed a lot more time than I initially estimated. I'd like to stay on the committee to continue this design and development as I think I'm very close to releasing the new site.

    I do still deeply believe that the GAGB is beneficial to Geocaching in the UK and I would like to continue helping it develop, so please vote for me. Profile
    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 15th November 2013 at 06:30 AM. Reason: Added links

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Abigail Hamilton-Thompson/Abiherts

    CV/Manifesto for Abigail Hamilton-Thompson/Abiherts

    I started geocaching in 2008 but have more recently got into the hobby and am hoping to attain my first thousand before the year is out. I have attended several events including the Geolympix and cached with a wide range of people.

    I am a carer for my husband so have plenty of free time to offer the GAGB, I am a voracious reader and love researching information while suffering an addiction to my email. Although my statistics show that I may not have much experience within the caching community, I spend a lot of time reading and participating within the Facebook groups, the Groundspeak forum and fellow cachers’ own blogs. In the past I have written several articles about geocaching for national magazines and newspapers, hopefully recruiting a few new members and spreading awareness of our hobby.

    I would like to improve the image of the GAGB and be readily available as a point of contact whenever needed. I have provided advice to fellow cachers at the drop of a hat and would like to expand upon this as much as I can. I may not have much web or editorial experience but I do have excellent organisational and secretarial skills; and if voted onto the committee I will play a positive role within the GAGB using all of the above to help raise the profile of the association while assisting each and every individual cacher.

    Thank you for reading and happy caching!

    Abiherts Profile
    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 15th November 2013 at 06:32 AM. Reason: Added links

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Colin Thurlbourn/AngoranBob

    CV/Manifesto for Colin Thurlbourn/AngoranBob

    My name is Colin Thurlbourn, aka AngoranBob and I am currently based in Berkshire, although my job means I travel around the South of England.

    I have been Geocaching for just over a year, having been introduced to it by friends whilst on holiday in Portugal. My excitement at finding an old film canister in the crook of a tree was surprising and upon returning to the UK, I wanted to find some more.

    I am not a prolific Geocacher, and sadly failed to reach my target of an average of one per day for my first year, but I enjoy it nonetheless and have made efforts to spread the word within my group of friends and work colleagues.

    For some time, I have wanted to offer my services to a worthy cause and utilise my skills for something other than working for my current employer Siemens. When I saw that there were upcoming elections for the GAGB I realised that I had found something that I not only enjoyed doing and had an interest in but also gave me an opportunity to apply my skills in a different way.

    I would relish the opportunity to work on the GAGB committee, help in the coming year to make more Geocachers aware of its existence and to help them understand the function it performs and how it can assist and support the casual and experienced Geocacher. I believe that the GAGB can perform a very useful function for Geocachers in Great Britain but more needs to be done to make cachers aware of its presence, the role it can play and the support it can offer.

    I believe that I can offer a number of skills to the GAGB Committee and its members. As an Account Manager for 10 years, I have experience in working with and managing a team, as well as taking on significant responsibility for staff and customers. I believe I can offer support to Geocachers of all ages and capabilities to better understand their responsibilities. In addition, I have good financial acumen supported by a degree in Mathematics, skills I would welcome the opportunity to utilise within the Committee to develop a long term strategy and to develop greater fund-raising opportunities.

    Recently in my role I have had the opportunity to work with some schools in London and would like to develop this further and explore how the GAGB can work with educational establishments to promote the positive aspects of Geocaching in schools and other institutions.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my CV. Profile
    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 15th November 2013 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Added photo

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Heather Bull/Cache on Wheels

    CV/Manifesto for Heather Bull/Cache on Wheels

    Many thanks to those who have supported me and nominated me to stand for election for the GAGB committee.

    To introduce myself: I am 37, married and have 2 beautiful children. We are all very keen geocachers, hiding and finding, all with our own accounts.

    I am competent using a computer and have good IT skills.

    Our geocaching journeys and adventures have taken us to many countries in Europe.
    We enjoyed meeting other cachers in Germany at 2 events, in the summer, one of which we arranged as a family. We then organised an event to welcome a caching family from Germany that we had met who were on holiday locally. We gained a lot of experience and knowledge in many ways of the GC world, whilst caching abroad, including overcoming the language barriers and the fun and interesting way of some computer translators, and learning about local cultures and history.
    Whilst on holiday, at events in Germany, there were many cachers who were very interested in the GAGB, it was great to be able to share information with them about GAGB and point them to the website.

    I had a Military upbringing and lived in Germany for 10 years.
    So it's no surprise, nor coincidence I think, that the jobs I've had since leaving school were linked to the MOD.

    One of my first experiences of being part of a committee was when I joined the Parochial Church Council (PCC) of my local church. Up until April this year, I served on the PCC for 6 years including 2 years representing the PCC at Deanery Synod.

    Since my children were young, I have served on the school Association / Parent Groups and am a member of the Parent Forum for my local Middle School where my son attends.

    I am in my 2nd year as a member of the Patient Participation Group for my local Dr's Surgery.

    Through being involved on the various committees and courses I have completed, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge and understanding in many aspects of life and organisations. eg what goes on in the background, what is involved in creating, exploring and implementing ideas, concepts, and gained a bigger understanding of how committees work. I have also developed a greater understanding about myself, and identifying my gifts, talents, aspirations and areas in my life where I wish to further develop.

    I have the ability to work well with others and am also confident with taking the lead and working off my own initiative where appropriate.
    I have gained experience of representing communities and an understanding of issues relating to a small percentage, within the community with people of all ages and abilities.

    I am always keen to learn, I am open minded and enjoy learning about other peoples ideas and perspectives.

    Geocaching has different meanings for each person, which can change day to day, or over a period of time. I love how GC is accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
    For many years, I have learned to come to terms with the restrictions imposed upon me from various illnesses and accidents. I am empathetic to others who are faced with changes in their abilities. Geocaching has made a huge difference to my life, and helps in so many ways, especially enjoying spending time with my family, exploring our surroundings and working together having fun.

    As a disabled cacher, I see things from a different perspective, for me and others, with the additional challenges it presents. I am passionate about supporting others in any way I can.
    I like to offer feedback to cache owners about disabled access to their cache where appropriate, and I am happy to report that most cache owners have been very supportive in adding extra information to their cache pages, to make it easier for disabled cachers.

    I would like to work with GAGB to develop support to other cachers and cache owners to include good and practical information for disabled cachers. This will also be beneficial to people who cache with youngsters and using a buggy and people with reduced mobility.
    I would like to work with the GAGB and the geocaching community to see the GAGB move forward, grow and develop to become a familiar name to all cachers, new and existing. I would like to see GAGB as a place where all cachers feel they can approach for support and guidance in all aspects of caching.

    I have hosted 3 events, 2 CITOs: At my first event, we helped create a native wildlife garden: this has been dubbed 'Cachers Corner'. The place was "purpose-built accessible accommodation for those who are disabled". The other was to support the Dorset Wildlife Trust. We also hosted the meet as mentioned above with all being accessible for all ages and abilities.

    I feel I can bring all the above skills and more to GAGB as a member of the committee if I am elected. I am always happy to help in any way I can.

    from Heather Bull Profile

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Terry Marsh/countrymatters

    CV/Manifesto for Terry Marsh/countrymatters

    During the time I have served as a Committee member, I have been primarily concerned with developing and editing the magazine, Seeker, which often earns praise from members for its content. What I offer now is more of the same, but in the hope of also making the magazine increasingly useful to all who read it.

    As a committee member, I try to contribute to general discussions and decision-making, even though work and academic commitments limit the amount of free time I have available.

    At a wider level, I regularly attend geocaching events, and have organised a number of regional events myself, one of which – the walk across Morecambe Bay – has been especially popular. I have been instrumental in developing the extent of geocaching on the Isle of Skye, where I also organise an event each April. As I write this, I am working with tourism organisations and landowners on the island of Mull to develop geocaching, and to make the island of greater interest to geocachers from the UK and across Europe.

    If re-elected, I look forward to working with my colleagues to develop the role of the GAGB as a national organisation that represents geocaching in the UK. Profile

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Dax Wood/daddyanddude

    CV/Manifesto for Dax Wood/daddyanddude

    Hi my name is Dax, I’m one half of DaddyandDude (dude is my son and geokid!). I live in Tynemouth in the north east of England. I have been caching since 2010 and can be found out and about with molliemooze (the misses) and our geo-hound Abby the beagle.

    Geocaching has become an important social aspect of my life and was immediately smitten with the sport. A keen walker/hiker I was looking for a way to encourage my son to ‘follow in my footsteps’ (quite literally) when a friend introduced me to caching – we now have become a family of cachers and encourage many of our friends and family to take up the sport.

    Building on my love of caching I invested in starting a caching business, which is growing steadily and now run a caching café. It is a fantastic way for people both new and old to the sport to come and have a chat with us and fellow cachers – everyday becomes a mini-meet and greet!

    When not caching I am actively involved in scouting, running a scout troop of 40 scouts, many who have their own geocaching adventures after plenty advice and encouragement. Many of them have then encouraged their friends and family outside of scouting to take up the activity.

    As you can probably tell I am extremely passionate about geocaching and want everyone to enjoy this fantastic activity. I believe I can strive to promote the solid foundations laid by GAGB and build on them with a solid vision for the future and a voice for the caching community. Caching should be accessible to all and the members of the GAGB should feel safe that with someone as passionate as myself I will do all I can to promote the GAGB and their ideals.

    Last year I was co-opted onto the GAGB committee and had a very enjoyable year as committee member, the highlight being part of the stand at the mega 2013 and part of the Q&A session. I have also been advising the scout association with regards to their up and coming geocaching badge.
    Vote for me, and help me make GAGB a national voice for geocachers! Profile
    Last edited by LadybugKids; 18th November 2013 at 10:06 PM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Andy Packer/Fudgeman

    CV/Manifesto for Andy Packer/Fudgeman

    My name is Andy Packer and I’m a serving Firefighter with the London Fire Brigade and married to Saints1. I was introduced to Geocaching by a friend while at Scout camp in 2007 and signed up for my own account when I got home. Since then I’ve enjoyed caching across the country as well as a few abroad.

    I’m an active cacher in the local community both in the running of events (29 so far including a cito) and attending them (119 so far). I often help new cachers learn how to find and place caches. I have also taken several cachers out to show them how to safely use ropes to climb trees and abseil down cliffs/bridges. I am the co-admin on 2 county Geocaching Facebook groups as well as Extreme Geocaching UK.

    I regularly take a wheelchair dependant cacher out for a day’s caching and also have a wheelchair dependant parent which has given me an insight into how caching can include all abilities. I am always impressed with their can do attitude and their willingness to try anything. I believe caching can and should be for all but that doesn’t mean that all caches have to be accessible to everyone. There will always be one that someone can’t get.

    If elected I believe I can bring both my professional and personal experience to the committee. I am very interested in seeing more use of social networking media to promote the work of the GAGB and its members. I’m also interested in helping to continue the GAGB’s extensive work with landowners and hopefully to include more extreme caches as part of those agreements.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. Profile

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Jackie Catterall/JackieC

    CV/Manifesto for Jackie Catterall/JackieC

    I’m JackieC and I’ve been caching since February 2004, I’m not a numbers cacher so I’m only just over the 1500th, but I am an very active event cacher and have organised and co-organised both camping events and day events in Scotland, with the most recent event being a Halloween themed night trail (hence the picture!). I was part of the 2010 Mega Scotland team and I am on the Mega Ayrshire 2014 team, and I have also helped fundraise for two other UK mega events (Wales and NW).

    I cache with my husband Will and the woofs, and travel to events in a motorhome with a large blue gazebo and now a green event shelter in which we become a catering operation to feed hungry cachers (curries and BBQ a speciality!)

    For my day job I travel extensively in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and occasionally into Northern England, but I’m usually running late to get to the next visit so I don’t get as many drive-bys as I should, but it does allow me to attend more midweek events.

    Although I wasn’t voted onto the GAGB committee during the elections (I was first runner up) I was asked to join when an elected member resigned. My first year on the committee has given me a better insight into what the GAGB actually does and helps with, especially with the numbers of enquiries they receive. I took over the secretary role when it became vacant and I actively worked to include Scotland and Ireland more in the GAGB realm, including the Seeker magazine.

    If elected I’d like to continue on working to make the GAGB more inclusive to Ireland and Scotland, as well as ‘rolling up my sleeves’ and getting involved with anything and everything; but I’d mainly aim to spend my second year mainly working on getting some additional member benefits.

    The ‘cachers pound’ is a untapped resource (with the exception of the specialist caching supply companies). We are an activity which contributes millions into the UK economy every year and yet we’re not benefitting from it. For example the local council estimated that the 2010 UK Mega contributed at least an additional £300,000 to the Perthshire economy. So we have buying power which we should benefit from.

    We spend an awful lot in pursuit of getting smilies on the map, from the waterproof clothing to the GPS to the cache supplies, not to mention the camping equipment for events. So if its an online code, or a printable voucher, if we can get a discount or offer then I’d like to bag it for all GAGB members and make our “cachers pound” go that little bit further. Profile

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Lilian Maund/Mollyjak

    CV/Manifesto for Lilian Maund/Mollyjak

    My name is Lilian Maund and I am a retired schoolteacher. I was introduced to Geocaching in Jan 20005 by my then Headmaster and I thought ‘What a silly, nerdy, anoraky thing to do’. That is until we found our first cache and since then I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of our hobby (except for uphills which can be a bit of a problem as I live in S. Wales). Although not into numbers I do enjoy attending events and camping events where I do like the comfort of our caravan. I have been involved in helping at a few of the Annual Megas, Piratemanias, Wild West/Christmas and my local S Wales events.

    I have served on the GAGB Committee for two years and wish to continue as I enjoy helping when I can. I enjoy welcoming and answering questions and requests from newcomers who have recently found this hobby, to organising events including a successful CITO as part of the GAGB 10 year celebration earlier this year.

    If elected for a third year, I would continue to promote the GAGB, its guidelines and the continued need for this organisation according to the expediential growth in our hobby as seen over the last few years. I would use my organisational, communication and fundraising skills as required within the GAGB Committee.

    Thank you

    Lilian Profile

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Paul Weaver/Poole_Man

    CV/Manifesto for Paul Weaver/Poole_Man

    I would look forward to team working with many experienced and skilled Geocachers as part of the GAGB Committee. As a fairly novice Geocacher I can still learn a lot from more experienced Geocachers but I do have skills that would complement the purpose of GAGB. I have extensive online social networking skills which I believe would be of benefit to GAGB and its membership. Running my own web design and hosting business I am aware of many of the issues which are found when promoting an organisation online.

    To ensure that GAGB is working in the correct direction, working with the other Committee members, I will use my skills in setting up questionnaires and polls on a regular basis on the GAGB website linked to Twitter and Facebook to ensure that GAGB is connecting properly with its membership and possible future membership. There are many Geocaching related groups in the UK and many of which are based on a smaller geographic basis than GAGB is. Some of these smaller groups are currently listed on the GAGB website but I would work using my online networking skills to form links with the many other groups that exist that are not yet listed ensuring a two way system of exchange of information.

    The current GAGB website has many of the aspects of social networking in it but they need to be more fully linked; the action of posting on the GAGB website, Facebook or Twitter accounts should trigger a message that alerts readers (not just members) to the fact that something new has been posted by the Committee. I regularly setup websites and Facebook and Twitter accounts to cross feed each other.

    I would work to form a GAGB opt-in mailing list aimed at Geocaching activities within Great Britain; many people say that mailing lists are in fact dead but I believe there are many people out there who do not have time to look for the news they want online, a mailing list would mean the news goes direct to them.

    The process for joining the current forum, and through that membership of GAGB, can be streamlined by use of anti-spam techniques that I often use in my working life. The situation where you have to wait to become a member of the forum and therefore a member of GAGB needs to be fixed as it’s too easy to put people off from joining if they can’t access membership instantly.

    Above all else I want to do my bit to help Geocaching further advance and be more easily available to members of the public and for them to join GAGB. To this effect I would ensure that I take an active part in online Geocaching activities as well as attend events as often as possible.

    Please vote for me. Profile

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Richard Lay/RichLay

    CV/Manifesto for Richard Lay/RichLay

    Well here's a curious thing. I've never really courted a place on this committee but it appears my desire to see an effective election campaign at both chairman and committee level has got me noticed. So let's give it a bash...

    I have been caching since 2011, so a very young pup in comparison with many. I started as a way to get me out of the house and to get my kids into the outdoors and it has worked a treat. I cache solely on for no other reason than it was the one I was introduced to first and there is more than enough to go at on there. Up until very recently I was a retail store manager. I have just resigned that role to spend more time with my family. It is that position though that has shaped my behaviours.

    I don't just tie myself down to one aspect of caching, enjoying filling DT and Jasmer's grids, I love Church Micros, challenges and puzzles though I guess I am at my happiest out on the moors and hills. Most of all though, I really enjoy caching with others. I have made some fabulous friends through this obsession.

    While I am fairly sure I am not a suitable candidate for one of the specialist roles, what I can bring to the GAGB is a sense of urgency, boundless enthusiasm and an absolute belief in the organisation as a whole. I am a proud (although adopted) Yorkshireman. I will say what I think is right, not what I think people want to hear.

    When the Go Outdoors/Snowdonia fiasco happened, while most around wailed, wrung hands and gnashed their teeth, I quietly set about communicating with the CEO and had a satisfactory resolution within hours. That is an example of the direct action that I take.

    I consider myself a great communicator and am active across most social networks.

    Clearly the role and the need for the GAGB has changed over the past 10 years and will continue to evolve. My take on the future would be to really focus on the social side of caching, bringing people together through events and CITOs and really showcasing our fabulous hobby.

    I was proud to host a GAGB CITO event this year and carry the banner on my cache pages. Regardless of the outcome of this process I will be resolute in my backing of the group. Profile

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Sharon Reid/Sharant

    CV/Manifesto for Sharon Reid/Sharant

    I’m Sharon from Team Sharant. I live in a market town in rural Staffordshire in the West Midlands region, and I was Vice Chair of 2013’s annual travelling Mega event held at Gaydon, Warwickshire. I’m also a mum with two children ages 11 and 8 years old and married to Ant.

    I have been caching since January 2009 and to date have found just over 4,000 caches. I really enjoy caching with my family, usually caching loops but what I enjoy most is solving puzzles and discovering Earthcaches (I am a proud to be a Platinum Earthcache Master). I also enjoy a challenging cache and have discovered some fabulous areas of the UK whilst caching and finding several caches in unusual locations, up high, under water, even underground!

    Outside of caching, I am active in several other outdoorsy type organisations, such as Girlguiding and Scouting, and I held several different roles and whilst on the UK Mega committee - I managed, the Mega website , coordinated the week’s side events and planned and laid the Mega cache loop, (with some help of my family). As part of Sharant I helped with some prep work with the CITO and flashmob that were held on Mega Day, but successfully ‘delegated’ the work on the day to Ant J.

    What can I do for GAGB? I feel that the GAGB is vital to Geocaching in the UK, a place where cachers and landowners can ask for reliable help and advice, and not just hope that what they read on Facebook is right! I think the newsletters and other forms of reaching out to geocachers is a great idea, and would like to build on that – reaching out to actively help promote certain types of events that are difficult to organise, perhaps, and helping people implement their creative ideas, whatever they may be! I would like to promote the GAGB more within the geocaching community and help to increase their numbers. I especially enjoy CITOs and would like to promote this aspect of caching more, and to give back to the community. I feel I have many skills to add to the committee and to support the chair. I am honoured to be nominated to stand for this year’s election. Profile

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset

    Default CV/Manifesto for Adam Redshaw/ukcachemag

    CV/Manifesto for Adam Redshaw/ukcachemag

    I have not done a manifesto before but I have had a quick go below…

    My key aims
    • Educate
    • Communicate
    • Involve
    • Co-operate

    As mentioned on some of the question threads on the forum, I would like to see the GAGB launch some workshops to help people learn about other things that can help improve their caching experience. This may include photography, first aid and rope work.

    I think the GAGB could be more proactive when communicating with members, perhaps by a more regular newsletter. This could be an email (with care given to not disclose personal detail)

    I would like to see much more involvement between the committee and members – perhaps with a number or regional or project teams?

    I would like to see GAGB working closely with a number of “official” bodies such as police fire and rescue. Perhaps we could run some awareness seminars and invite people from such organisations and even the media?


    Adam Profile
    Last edited by LadybugKids; 21st November 2013 at 05:07 AM.

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anchorage, Alaska


    The 2014 GAGB Committee Ballot is loaded into Surveymonkey and set to be e-mailed out shortly after midnight, tonight (0015 on 22 November).

    The header of the e-mail will read:
    "ladybugs at via" <member at>
    ("at" replaces "@" in the above to keep the text from appearing as links)

    so if you don't receive a ballot and you were a member of record as of 1 October, please check you Junk/Spam folders/filters.

    If you still can't find your ballot, send me an e-mail at from your GAGB e-mail address of record and I'll send you a fresh ballot.

    Voting will be available through midnight, Saturday, 30 November.

    Michael Malvick/Ladybug Kids
    GAGB Returning Officer
    Last edited by LadybugKids; 21st November 2013 at 11:04 PM.
    In Alaska, the best athletes eat raw meat, sleep in the snow, and run naked.
    Ladybug Kids' profile
    Visit the GeocacheAlaska! website.

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