Dear candidates
There has been a lot of effort put in during the last year, to encourage people to register as members with GAGB.
How do you feel you can further encourage new members to join?
Many thanks
GAGB Secretary 2013/2014
Dear candidates
There has been a lot of effort put in during the last year, to encourage people to register as members with GAGB.
How do you feel you can further encourage new members to join?
Many thanks
GAGB Secretary 2013/2014
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
Personally I believe the GAGB has to reach out to the community in a variety of ways.
Via Social Media
At events
Flyers explaining what the GAGB is and does
Make it clear that unlike Listing Site, the GAGB Core roll is to provide Support and Advice, not only to the Geocaching Community, but also those interested in Geocaching, Landowners and also the Police.
As part of this program, the GAGB needs to Host it's own Events, around the UK.
Also carrying the GAGB Logo not only Committee Members Profiles, but encuraging Members to do the same.
Also to encurage Members to have a Tag Line on their Logs which links back to the GAGB [unfortunatly Banners in Cache Descriptions, are not allowed by the Largest Listing Site, as that is a fantastic way to get peoples attentions]
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
Thank you for your reply Dave
I think it is important to get the message out to people the Core Role of GAGB.
It does seem difficult, apart from face to face to convey this message.
With social media, unfortunately, some Geocaching groups on Facebook will not allow any posts about GAGB.
I would like to ask you about your last comment Dave re Banners on the cache descriptions.
I have a GAGB banner which links to GAGB on all of my caches, and was also sent the HTML to add this to the GAGB CITO events I held - can you clarify / do you know if this is allowed with Groundspeak please or should I remove them?
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
In my opinion and experience, face to face is the most productive way of encouraging new members and that inevitably means at events. As part of one of my duties this year I have had visibility of new member requests and it has been clear there has been spikes in requests following certain events. It has also been great to see names that have come following my events/CITO/events I have attended and spoken to people.
By the year end I will have attended well over 50 events and I have been able to promote the GAGB at them all. We were given the opportunity to purchase a named GAGB polo shirt, which I now wear at all events as a means of breaking the ice and the Romer cards which were produced were really successful, requiring a second print run.
Given a second year in the committee, I would like to progress the idea of a GAGB camping event, which I feel would be a very successful means of gaining new members.
Social media is important too but the difficulty appears to be converting numbers of "likes" or "follows" into an engaged member of the association. Given the disparity of numbers on the facebook group (for example) and the number of voters at last year's election, we have some way to go there. We still have much to do to give people a reason to feel engaged. We need to progress member benefits this year and be much more active in social events, to get people to want to belong.
Heather my understanding which is no longer Up to Date, is that Groundspeak will not allow Banners on new cache submissions, they will not even allow Banners for Mega Events any more.
So as already Published caches, I would leave the banners, unless requested to remove tthem.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I believe it is very important for the GAGB to reach out to geocachers by all methods possible such as: posting on social media, flyers at events, the committee wearing polo shirts, and personalized cards to drop off in caches such as those that the Essex Mega 2015 have produced.
Face to face contact is also important to encourage new members. We really need to improve the image of the GAGB as I don't think enough people are aware of the GAGB let alone what the GAGB is there for. So we as committee members need to promote the image of the GAGB not just to geocachers but also people such as landowners, the police and other important organisations. The unfavorable image of the GAGB that a few cachers have in their mind also needs to be turned around.
If Mega events can attract such a large fanbase then so can the GAGB!
I'm curious to know why some Facebook groups do not allow any postings from the GAGB?
We need to encourage more members and this year at events face to face I have been promoting the GAGB and handing out the romer cards. I have had positive feedback from cachers at events and we need to show and explain the role of the GAGB at our local events as well as all the Mega's. The GAGB hosting more events, not just our annual CITO weekend in my view is a must, one of the GAGB core aims is to promote geocaching and holding events is a fantastic way to achieve this. Getting out and meeting cachers will be the best way to encourage new members.
Social media is also important as well as our monthly seeker in helping cachers and to promote geocaching.
GAGB Chair
GAGB Committee member since March 2014
UK Mega Event Vice Chairman 2013 (West Midlands)
Events are the best way of getting information to newer cachers, the GAGB weekend of events/CITOs and attendance at mega events has really increased awareness.
Social media can be an invaluable tool too, as more and more cachers discover their first geocaches using an app rather than a GPS.
Perhaps we should look at doing a free app with lots of info for the new cacher.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett
Like many other have said events and social media are both important.
Gagb hosting some introduction or tutorial session for new or curious people to learn and start caching would be good.
A greater presence at megas etc could be good where we are involved in q&a sessions.
We have seeker. Perhaps more in that or an email bulletin highlighting any new actions of updates to glad etc. perhaps that can be automated to send a social update when there is a change?
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
I also think the idea of a free app is a great suggestion. I would be happy to help write one up, I just don't know how you create and code an app? Perhaps this is something that the webmaster would be knowledgeable about!
An app sounds great, especially for advice on trackables, swag, events, CITOs, Earthcache etc. I have never created an app, is it more tricky than a wherigo I wonder
GAGB Chair
GAGB Committee member since March 2014
UK Mega Event Vice Chairman 2013 (West Midlands)
Sure there'll be a manual or Apps for Dummies
I wonder if Chris Dale: Reviewer Graculus or Ed Newton: reviewer Professor Xavier would know?
They are very good tech wise 😃😃
There are some caches that have been set out in Dorchester, I think WW1 series done by some students I think.
They created their own App that you scan a QR code and it bring up the info.
As for is it more difficult than setting a Wherigo - I don't have a clue how to do that either.
It is great to read the enthusiasm about an App. It's always great to see people willing to learn 😃
Sounds exciting!
Heth 😃
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
How about this Rich?
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
Fab idea.
As a Geocacher I was unsure about how to run events when I first started running them.
Membership of GAGB could be promoted by providing a series of GAGB branded help files in leaflet form about the various types of Geocaching events that can be organised. These could be distributed in shops and libraries.
Other countries have produced videos that promote Geocaching but so far I haven’t seen GAGB produce any. The videos could be put on YouTube and embedded in the GAGB website and other websites where the owners agree.
I have the experience of both producing leaflets and videos for marketing purposes and would contribute my experience to any project like this that GAGB might produce.
I would support fundraising to produce the leaflet and video through a Crowd Funding site like www dot crowdfunder dot co dot uk
I believe this would encourage people to join GAGB.
Last edited by Poole_Man; 19th November 2014 at 04:47 AM. Reason: Added missing sentance
Hi there,
I feel the best way to communicate about the GAGB is to talk about it in person (at events or social gatherings) I am surprised the amount of people I tell about it who have never heard about it.
I have just started putting a banner on our cache listings (I already uses the GAGB stickers on our cache containers)
Promoting it at larger events is good too, giving people the chance to ask questions and meet other GAGB members.
I've been writing and updating travel apps for years. You need a good CMS system and a confirmed way into Apple, who are becoming more strict about preventing crap apps, and so have tightened their admission process.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
Yeah forget Apple, it'd need to be android I reckon
Not sure Google Play are much better, but it's worth a try.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
How did you get yours on Adam?
I use a publishing company that helped with that. More info can be provided outside of this thread
Thank you for your reply
I am too surprised at how many people are unaware of the GAGB, and at all events my family or I have hosted, or when I chat to others at events, I introduce the GAGB and a brief description of what they do.
Re the GAGB banners
From a reply, from Macunian, although he said he's not up to date anymore, said that Groundspeak don't allow the banners on new caches, but I had already put them on my cache pages that linked back to their website. Saying this, my GAGB CITO 2014 was published no problem in September with the bang banner on.
I agree with you that this is a excellent way of spreading the word about GAGB as it is seen on the cache page.
Word of mouth is also important when we meet cachers, at small events and larger events too: I Was even chatting and asked more from Reviewers from other countries about GAGB and a Lackey at the Giga event.
Re the GAGB Cache stickers
It's great you use these
I think the fact the the GAGB cache stickers are a fantastic idea.
As well as lots of people not aware of GAGB, most of those who were, were not aware of the 24 hour phone line on the labels with a space for the GC code.
As far as I am aware, this is a unique service to our country. As a committee member, in the last year of being on the committee, we have received lots of calls through this phone number and have been able to reunite cache owners with caches and helped answer queries eg land owners wanting our help to put caches on their land.
GAGB Secretary 2013 / 2014
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
It is good to have people on the committee with great skills in more specialised areas, as well as all round skills
I can vouch for one of your Apps as we purchased one and found it extremely useful when visiting France. It is very user friendly, professional and good looking, thank you Terry
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
As a rider to this question, the current Committee have stated that they don't want the GAGB to be represented on any local organisation. Are the candidates prepared to rethink this approach to engage with local communities (and make the necessary consitutional changes to permit this)?
It isn't as black and white as that. If the GAGB is to be represented on any organisation, it needs to be confident in what is being said on it's behalf to that organisation. Since, as I recall, this issue could not be satisfactorily resolved when we last discussed it, the decision was made to impose a blanket ban on outreach of this kind.
But I don't believe that the Committee intended that it would never be discussed again.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
I don't recall a discussion about this in this committee but I have had a lot going on this year! As Terry suggests, nothing ought be off the agenda.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
Like I said, it was probably an earlier year, and that would explain why Richard can't recall anything either.
I can't be specific, but it was something to do with representation on a park committee.
You're still the Secretary, Heather, don't you have access to all the minutes?
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
Yes I am and have access to them all
I have done a search of the docs on my computer for the key words but nothing has come up that seems relevant.
I thought it would be useful to ask the person who posted the question.
As it is important to them enough to raise the question, I thought they may know when and where it was discussed.
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
I will try searching the forums, or sometimes it is easier to search on the Internet using GAGB forums and key words
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
Search in the forum under 'Thanckes Park - Group Membership' for September-October 2013. I think that's what it's about.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
Use either of these in the search box and you will find plenty of posts.
Thanckes Park
GAGB member since 2005
GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)
I have found the forum discussion about this question:
I have also read through the whole thread, which may be useful for the candidates.
In my Summary, Pajaholic was a member of a committee of the FOTP, but could only be a member as a rep of a constituted group / association.
It reads that was having a very positive affect and link with the community and raising the profile of Geocaching and GAGB.
In 2012, In a post by Pajaholic, it is asked if GAGB would like them to continue as a GAGB rep with their AGM approaching: The Womblems enthusiastically said yes.
2013 it looks like there was a proposed chamge to the GAGB constitution and any previous GAGBs reps that were agreed by the previous committee had been changed and reps were no longer required.
This is only my brief summary, please do not quote me on any of the above, but have a look in the forum posts for your own reference.
Personally, I think it is a great step forward if there are people on other committees that can help promote Geocaching and GAGB and therefore work on land owner agreements for caches to be placed.
This is a great way of reaching out to gain new members and spread the word in a positive light of Geocaching and GAGB.
It appears that GAGB are still saying they do not want any reps in this way, so are the only reps of gagb, elected committee members?
It certainly helps from what I have learned, with negotiating with land owners when they have GAGB or Groundspeak behind them, or if they are a member of the GAGB committee or a reviewer.
This is my own personal view and not that as a committee member.
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
The issue that forced me to resign as GAGB representative was the issue of Intellectual Property -- you can read the much about it at
Personally, I was surprised at the reaction to my point (i.e. that GAGB would not be representated on Community Action Groups etc.) and believe it was a massive step backward. I know that I directed a lot of positive PR at Cornwall Council et al. while I had a mandate to represent the interests of Geocachers, and believe that local representation is a good way make Geocaching more acceptable to local communities -- particularly considering things like the Whetherby incident. This is why I asked whether candidates were prepared to rethink.