As Returning Officer and on behalf of the GAGB Committee, after 334 ballots were cast, the results of the 2015/16 GAGB Committee Election are:
Ballot for Election of 2015/2016 GAGB Committee
Answer Options/Response Percent/Response Count
Jen Harley - Maple Leaf 75.61% 248
Richard Lay - Richlay 63.11% 207
Arthur Griffiths -Griff Grof 57.62% 189
Ant Reid - sharant 56.40% 185
Adam Redshaw -UKCacheMag 52.74% 173
Kim Leonard -Leonards193 50.61% 166
Alan Brook -twoofnine 48.48% 159
Jackie Fox - JnK Fox 43.29% 142
Abigail Hamilton-Thompson - Abiherts 38.41% 126
Answered question (completed ballot): 328
Skipped question (started, but did not complete ballot): 6
The top eight vote recipients will serve on the 2015/16 GAGB Committee.
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all who stood to serve on the Committee.
A pdf copy of the SurveyMonkey report is attached to this post.
It's been a pleasure serving once again as GAGB Returning Officer.
At your service,
Michael Malvick/Ladybug Kids
2015/16 GAGB Returning Officer