6th December 2015, 09:06 PM
Your memory of caching in 2015...
Hi, I'm Ant and I'm the editor of Seeker Magazine for 2016. In case you haven't seen Seeker, it's been our quarterly digital magazine for quite some time now - follow the link and take a look at our back issues.
We're gong to publish our next edition in January, and I'd like to ask for your help... and also make you an offer!
Memories of 2015
While geoaching in 2015, have you had a funny moment, or been taken to a brilliant place, or otherwise had something notable happen to you that you'd like to share? It doesn't have to be much - just 250 words that describe which geocache and what happened, and send it to me (editor@gagb.org.uk). I hope I get so many that I can sort them into regions and publish a selection of them in Seeker. The aim is to encourage folks to plan their holidays this year, as much as anything else!
Major Stories
In addition I'd like to encourage folk who have a 'major memory' - one with photos, for example, and maybe 750 words - to send those to me too. I'd like to pick one of those per region too, and make January's Seeker a really good read for people who want to know about how other go about caching in other parts of the country.
Like I say I hope that I'll get far more stories than I can handle, and will pick a selection - a range of beautiful places you'd never have found otherwise, or fiendish and rewarding puzzles, high-terrain challenges, or just funny incidents. It could even be a CITO or event. Make it one from within the GAGB area though. If you have a good story and don't feel confident about writing, just explain it to me in email in your own way and I can help edit and send back for you to approve. And although not all of them might make it into Seeker, maybe we can have a thread here to share everything.
I'll make my selection on Jan 3rd, so send 'em all in as early as you can. It takes a while to finalise an edition of Seeker, so don't leave it too long. If you send them in earlier - eg before Christmas - then I'll have some excellent reading material for my holidays, too!
either email direct to me (editor@gagb.org.uk) or post your story as a reply to this message and I'll track you down.
So - get scribbling!
Last edited by Antreid; 6th December 2015 at 09:16 PM.
Ant, of Sharant
14th December 2015, 09:06 PM
A big THANK YOU to those of you who have sent in stories so far - it's an interesting read! Please send more in, especially from Yorkshire, the South-west and Scotland, as I've had none from you all.
If you own a geocache, how about any maintenance runs that were memorable or funny?
And has anyone got a good story of a major caching trip? Don't worry if you don't know how to 'turn' a good phrase, just let me know if you'd like me to edit or help with writing.
Ant, of Sharant
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