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Thread: New Caher with Palm questions

  1. #1
    fairoakians Guest


    I want to have a go at Geocaching. I have a Palm T5 with a bluetooth gps module and TomTom software for use in the car/bike. I dont think this will allow me enter lat and long as its meant for road users.

    Can anyone tell me where I can get some suitable (Pref free!&#33 mapping software that I can run on this.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I'm not really the best person to answer this, as I don't use that hardware or software.

    However, if you become a premium member of, you can get pocket queries, which are essentially gpx files with cache data in. You can put those into GSAK, and then export data for the caches you're interested in as a Tomtom POI file. I assume that would allow you to use what you have for caching.

    Hopefully someone will be along to give you a fuller answer. If not, you could try posting the question in the Groundspeak UK forum.
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  3. #3
    dreamer1969 Guest


    Hi Simon,

    Started just and have been having great fun!.

    I am using a very simple Garmin Foretrex and have just hooked that up to my XDAII - v similar to the palm, but runs mobile windows.

    For the palm. try the following :

    Easy GPS for LOC & GPX Waypoint files
    GPX Spinner
    iSilo - doc reader

    All shareware

    Also Palm specific freebie called CETUS

    Hope that helps


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