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Thread: Anyome got some good stories about trackables?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Smile Anyome got some good stories about trackables?

    Having activated another trackable today, wondered if any of you had interesting stories to share about your own TB/Geocoins...

    my first TB, TB6D398, has travelled around britain to the cairngorms, penines, leeds, scotland's central belt and is now in st. Ninians, Shetland.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Gerbil Fanatic View Post
    Having activated another trackable today, wondered if any of you had interesting stories to share about your own TB/Geocoins...

    my first TB, TB6D398, has travelled around britain to the cairngorms, penines, leeds, scotland's central belt and is now in st. Ninians, Shetland.
    Hi all...bit of a story and a question.

    We are new to geocache (12 finds to Date) and were caching in Scotland while on holiday. We have never bumped into fellow cachers but bumped into a nice older couple who were obviously pros. The man offered to let me "grab a travel bug" from him and I only vaguely understood what he meant but I acted as if I knew exactly what he was talking about.

    Apparently they picked this TB up in Germany and it now needs to move on so I commuted to moving it on to the lake district. I managed to fumble my way through grabbing it via the app but now I have no idea what to do next...any assistance would be appreciated

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by teamgr33n View Post
    Hi all...bit of a story and a question.

    I managed to fumble my way through grabbing it via the app but now I have no idea what to do next...any assistance would be appreciated
    Hi - welcome to geocaching! It's a good question and quite a common one, you are not alone...

    When you come to dropping off a travelbug, it's a two-step thing. Take the TB with you and when you find a suitable cache container physically put it into the cache. If you are not logging 'live' via your smartphone at the cache itself then make a note of which cache you dropped it into. Maybe take a photo of it next to the cache or with a nice view, to upload to the trackable's gallery?

    Step 2 is when you log the cache. On the website when you log the 'find' you'll see a list of trackables below your comments field - you can use the drop-down to 'drop' it into this cache. In the app you'll see a tab for trackables instead - again go to the list and again pick 'drop' next to the trackable. Then when you save, the trackable will disappear from your inventory, and appear in the cache's own inventory.

    A nice but optional 3rd step is to add to the trackable's own log - follow the link to it's own web page and find your most recent log - you can edit it and add some interesting text, such as the story you've just told, or a photo. Otherwise the trackable's own log becomes rather a bare and dry list of locations.

    Good luck!
    Ant, of Sharant

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Antreid View Post
    Hi - welcome to geocaching! It's a good question and quite a common one, you are not alone...

    When you come to dropping off a travelbug, it's a two-step thing. Take the TB with you and when you find a suitable cache container physically put it into the cache. If you are not logging 'live' via your smartphone at the cache itself then make a note of which cache you dropped it into. Maybe take a photo of it next to the cache or with a nice view, to upload to the trackable's gallery?

    Step 2 is when you log the cache. On the website when you log the 'find' you'll see a list of trackables below your comments field - you can use the drop-down to 'drop' it into this cache. In the app you'll see a tab for trackables instead - again go to the list and again pick 'drop' next to the trackable. Then when you save, the trackable will disappear from your inventory, and appear in the cache's own inventory.

    A nice but optional 3rd step is to add to the trackable's own log - follow the link to it's own web page and find your most recent log - you can edit it and add some interesting text, such as the story you've just told, or a photo. Otherwise the trackable's own log becomes rather a bare and dry list of locations.

    Good luck!

    Awesome! Figured it out now!


  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2014
    North Staffordshire


    I was on a Guide leaders weekend where a few of us went off and got a night cache, picking up the TB in it.

    We got home and logged it all (none of us had smartphones at that point), we had a rather surprised message from the TB owner. She was with us that weekend, and had unknowingly spent 2 nights in a room with her own TB!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    One of my trackables was lost for 7 years, but reappeared mysteriously in a cache.
    The mysteries of trackables are indeed a mystery to me sometimes.
    Here's a tip. You can reactivate any missing TB (that belongs to you) in any form you like.
    You have the code. It doesn't have to be on a dog-tag!

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