I know that sometimes things happen and deadlines occassionally have to slip, but I feel that consistently not meeting the constitution dates to publish the Committee meeting minutes is unacceptable. It's not even been just a day or two, is often a week or more.
NONE of the minutes of the comittee meeting minutes were published on time this past year. (The last two sets haven't been uploaded to the correct forum thread yet).
GAGB Constitution (J7 & J8) (link here)
6. The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of business carried out by the Executive Committee and any sub-committee.
7. Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings shall be taken by the Secretary, or appointed member.
8. Agreed content of the minutes shall be posted on the GAGB forums within 14 days, after having been agreed by the Chairman or other nominated Committee member.
Looking back through the annual report, it says that the Secretary made an appearance at 6 of the 8 commitee meetings, however reading back through the minutes/forums it appears that someone else has had to step in and write many of the minutes (not always a name on them, so I'm not sure who wrote all of them, but appears that Ant wrote several). Surely, the meetings / minutes are one of the secretary's primary job on the committee.
And I've just realised that the Secretary's Annual Report (Seeker #33) wasn't written by the secretary! (Ant stepped in again).
I do wonder how seriously Adam R (UKCacheMag) has taken the position of Secretary over the last year and I hope that someone who has more interest and commitment to the GAGB takes on the secretary position next year.
So my question is primarily for the current secretary (Adam R)
For the last two years, your annual report has said that you haven't had the time to give to GAGB.
Do you feel that you will be able to commit some quality time to the GAGB if you were re-elected?