A while ago we held a poll about opening up this forum to general discussion rather than just GAGB business.
The motion was carried by the members but there were a number who, understandaby, had reservations. We asked for feedback and it appeared that many were concerned about trolls and flamers.
The caretaking "committee" have discussed the problem and perhaps we have a resolution, but would welcome your feedback.
Here is how we envisage it could work.
At the bottom of each post there is a link "Report this post".
If a member spots a Troll or Flame posting they should click the link and give their reasons.
If a post is reported by 10 different members, the committee will review the situation and the poster can be put on a watch whereby all of his/her posts to the forum have to be monitored by a moderator for a period of 6 or 8 weeks.
On the third repitition of such behaviour, the poster will loose posting and voting rights on the forum.
The identity of all members who make a complaint will be protected, only the moderators or committee will be given those details.
Is this a way forward ?
Please let's have some comments so we can improve/abandon this idea.