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Thread: Question 4: Who (else) contributes the most?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Question 4: Who (else) contributes the most?

    This is a question for committee members from 2018/19. We don't get to see precisely who does what, with some jobs being back-office like website, vetting new members, shop, and so on. So can I ask those of you who were on the committee last year a cheeky question - can you name up to three of your colleagues who, besides you, you feel you couldn't do without next year? Like, perhaps achieved the most, or did a job quietly but well.

    That, combined with the Seeker reports ( will help me to choose how to balance my 8 votes between new and former committee members.

    Ant, of Sharant

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England


    Thats a good question,
    Thank you for asking
    I feel beside myself that I couldn’t do without the Wisdom and Experience of Border Caz whom helped me and guided me when I first started on the committee Graham The Gray for being a first class webmaster and an amazing secretary and last but certainly not least Griff Grof (Arthur) for expertly leading the GAGB social media campaigns so effectively

    However everyone worked really well together this year so it’s a hard question to answer
    Last edited by geocaching womble; 10th November 2019 at 04:30 PM.
    Opencaching UK reviewer and Committee member 2010-2017
    GAGB Committee 2017-2021

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    This is a very difficult question for me to answer. I have got on well with all my fellow committee members (Caz, Graham, Richard, Mel, Dominic), and each one has done a good job this year. Everyone has brought something to the table. But if I *had* to pick, I would choose (in no particular order):

    • Border Caz - she is practical, and always offers valuable contributions during and in between meetings. I find myself agreeing with her a lot!
    • Grahamthegray - always willing to help me (as joint-webmaster) if required. Does a good job, and puts in the time.
    • richt2000 - I am mentioning Richard here as I realised he hasn't mentioned something in his Annual Report. He put together both of the GAGB's Adventure Labs (London and YOSM), so that was something important that was done behind the scenes. More generally, I feel he was a great addition this year.

    I must add that Mel has also done a lot, and deserves recognition - especially in terms of introducing people to geocaching, sourcing a new clothing supplier and doing a great job as Shop Manager. She has been another fantastic addition to the committee. Dominic has brought enthusiasm, been a great on our stall at several events and has written several Seeker articles.
    Last edited by Griff Grof; 11th November 2019 at 09:54 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    You are really putting us on the spot here, Ant!

    This past year we have been 2 members down on the Committee and which has resulted in us having to double up jobs and all take on extra jobs, we have mostly worked as a Team to achieve results and I feel awkward singling out people.

    If I really must choose then I think I will pick 2 that I think have achieved most then, in no particular order:

    Arthur - Griff Grof - who's Social Media skills have kept GAGB on my Facebook feed regularly (I don't do Twitter or the other thingy) and increased engagement with our members exceedingly well. I believe all but a handful of things (when he was studying for exams) were at his instigation. He has also helped Grahamthegrey with website problems and has been in attendance at a number of events to assist in running the GAGB stall. He organised the very successful GAGB Roving Event at Cotswold Water Park where we met up with existing cachers but were also able to discuss Geocaching with some potential new cachers.

    Richard - RichT2000 - he also organised a good Roving event, somewhere near London, and set up the two new Adventure Lab caches for GAGB which was quite a mammoth task. As Glad Manager he has dealt with all complaints and enquiries received on the GAGB telephone line from Landowners, the Public and other organisations in a very professional manner. (Not a job I would relish). He has also helped out on the GAGB stall at some events.

    As I said earlier, we have worked as a Team and singling the above out for special mention doesn't detract from that. Grahamthegray has been juggling roles of Website, IT and Secretary which hasn't been easy, and I wouldn't have managed without Mel (Moira Crackers) and family's help at Piratemania this year, setting up the GAGB stall and manning it. She also sourced a new supplier and arranged orders for GAGB logo'd clothing. Dominic also helped out at some other events in manning the stall.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    As an outsider joining the group, I got a really good feel for who does what and who can be replied upon to deliver.

    GriffGroff works like a trooper doing Seeker and social media. He's practical, has good communication skills and always delivers.

    Border Caz ensures that the GAGB stay afloat as a treasurer. She is calm, measured and is a reasoned voice in the committee meetings.

    Graham the gray works behind the scenes ensuring that the GAGB stay online. He provides valuable input in meetings and is quick to respond to questions.

    Mel is another new committee member like myself. She's done a lot of work this year around the shop and the supplier issues we've had. Her roving event was particularly good.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    I look forward to next year when this Q comes up and hopefully I will be included in some of the other committee member lists...

  7. #7


    Like Richard, I was a new committee member this year, and to start with I did feel a little over whelmed and wondered if I had taken on more than I could chew. I'm not very techy but I muddled through.

    Without a doubt Caz helped with the shop issues and trying to sort everything with Sharon in the first place.

    Arthur, has always been constantly sorting posts for social media and at the end of his academic year he has now done the last seeker article, which I think he did a tremendous job of getting some good articles together to include.

    Graham our webmaster tech who has sorted many issues for us all.

    I can't not mention Richard again, as although he was a new committee member this year like myself I feel he did a fantastic job, he took on the job roll and just ran with it doing anything and everything asked of him.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    The three members on the committee that i think that the group couldn't do without other than the chair of course

    Caz (BorderCaz) - as treasurer keeping tabs on our spending and expenses and expereinced of running businesses in the past and Caz often speaks sense. As well as been there for many of the events on the stall
    Arthur (Grif Grof) - as our news letter/ Seeker writer and social media poster and assists with the website and injects enthusiam into the group and has plenty of ideas
    Mel (Moria Crackers) - as our shop manager, gets the orders out, been on the stand at our events, has been involved in the sourcing of the new clothing supplier as the previous one let us down repeatively.

  9. #9


    Caz - BorderCaz, Richard - RichT2000 and Graham are all great!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2014
    North Staffordshire


    I think this is a very important thread. A good committee would be mix of experienced committee members who know what needs to be done, and who can guide new members, as well as new members who can bring in new ideas.

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