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Thread: Question 5: If elected what would you do to improve the GAGB publicity officers job?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England

    Default Question 5: If elected what would you do to improve the GAGB publicity officers job?

    I have done the GAGB publicity officer’s job this year in addition to GLAD and it has involved a significant amount of additional work for me. If you were to be elected how well do you think you could do the job and ensure all aspects of publicity are covered properly.

    I was unable to completely focus on the publicity officer’s job due to my GLAD commitments and I would like to hear everyone else’s thoughts on the subject
    Last edited by geocaching womble; 11th November 2019 at 12:05 AM.
    Opencaching UK reviewer and Committee member 2010-2017
    GAGB Committee 2017-2021

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Firstly, as stated by me elsewhere, the website needs a complete overhaul - there is no point sending new or potentially new cachers there in its present state as it is too confusing to navigate and doesn’t read or present a coherent approach.

    Secondly - flyers that we can distribute at meetings that yield the same coherent message.

    Thirdly - getting the word around - other groups, geocaching sites etc - to all have links and spread the word.

    Finally - see if we can tidy up the presentation of the GLAD data - maybe with geographic graphics and links etc

    Hopefully this will remove some of the apathy that currently exists towards the GAGB.

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    GAGB Member, Friend and Supporter
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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    An interesting reply, Chris. Many things such as the website are outwith the remit of the Publicity Officer.

    We do have flyers/ leaflets and business cards that we hand out at events.

    In answer to Dominic's question, I think the answer is more thinking outside the box. Approaching not just outdoor suppliers but other organisations with relevance such as hotel chains, English Heritage, RSPB, and others as we have suggested in Committee meetings.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I agree with Caz.

    Dominic has made an effort to contact suppliers this year, but unfortunately they all said no at this time.

    Someone needs to take on Publicity Officer as their main job, and try again. Hotel chains, e.g. Premier Inn, would be good. They might say no, but it's worth a try. The GAGB needs to build a relationship with various companies and groups.

    But the Google definition of a Publicity Officer is: "a person who is employed to get publicity for an organization, or to provide information about it."

    Therefore, I think the role of the Publicity Officer should be expanded to include publicising the GAGB - making cachers, the public, companies, landowners etc. aware of what it does, and what geocaching is. The Publicity Officer should oversee the production of business cards and leaflets (if required), and it should also be their duty to promote geocaching in other outlets, such as the press.
    Last edited by Griff Grof; 10th November 2019 at 05:33 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Question 5: If elected what would you do to improve the GAGB publicity officer’s job?

    I agree that the website is not the sole responsibility of the publicity officer but some of the content is

    The website is a key channel and the way that most people will find out about the GAGB. Others could help the publicity officer by assisting in the rework.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Saza36; 10th November 2019 at 05:19 PM.
    GAGB Member, Friend and Supporter
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  6. #6

    Join Date
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    I think most of the team are on the same page with this and that is great to see that there is clear route through to be working towards.
    Essentially I think a stronger social media presence and more events for the community which is backed up by the website and Seeker magazine will make a big difference in the community. Let the community talk about GAGB.
    As for external organisations, for partnerships or deals or arrangements, then that is a case by case consideration. While it is good to attract different organisations, would it not make sense to promote/partner with more organisations that are geocaching based...? Get them promoting GAGB and GAGB them...

    Focus I feel, as others in the team have also mentioned, should be getting our house in order first...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by geocaching womble View Post
    I have done the GAGB publicity officer’s job this year in addition to GLAD and it has involved a significant amount of additional work for me. If you were to be elected how well do you think you could do the job and ensure all aspects of publicity are covered properly.

    I was unable to completely focus on the publicity officer’s job due to my GLAD commitments and I would like to hear everyone else’s thoughts on the subject
    As I said in my manifesto, we could do more to answer questions on the various social media groups like Geocaching UK. This would raise the profile of the GAGB as somewhere to go from help and advice and would drive visitors to our site.

    As for outside the geocaching community, this is more of a challenge but if it is handled professionally with the right contacts, we might be able to build some relationships with hotels, leisure groups or other outdoor focused businesses.

  8. #8


    As tated Dominic has tried to contact several companies this year and been rejected at this time in question. This needs to be continued work to build on relationships with bigger companies, chains of hotels, outdoor companies etc

    It needs to be a dedicated person to take this on who has time to contact and further build a good reputation of GAGB in the right manner to get anywhere.

  9. #9


    I agree with richt2000 - more social media presence and doing more to answer questions etc. Coming from a more art background, I think getting into contact with art organisations or scout groups etc may be useful in making them more aware of us and perhaps even working on community projects together.

  10. #10

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    Social media presence is a key point, and in our society now very relevant. It's been on the GAGB FB page just today from someone that there has been very little on there regarding the forthcoming elections, as well as on here maybe there should be discussions on there, or at least several posts linking to here?

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    It would be handy to try to actively join local Facebook geocaching groups to promote the GAGB and refresh people's memories that it exists and it's uses

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    North East England


    Quote Originally Posted by happygirlie View Post
    It would be handy to try to actively join local Facebook geocaching groups to promote the GAGB and refresh people's memories that it exists and it's uses
    I did that in my first committee year to engage all areas of the U.K
    But it’s still a good idea for more committee to do that
    Opencaching UK reviewer and Committee member 2010-2017
    GAGB Committee 2017-2021

  13. #13

    Join Date
    May 2014
    North Staffordshire


    Quote Originally Posted by happygirlie View Post
    It would be handy to try to actively join local Facebook geocaching groups to promote the GAGB and refresh people's memories that it exists and it's uses
    It would... but some areas are quite averse to people outside the area joining their FB group. Which is a pity as it stops people who may want to join to find out the good places to go caching if they are visiting the area. I manage the Staffordshire cachers page, and as long as someone is a cacher I accept them, doesn't matter where they are a cacher. A lot of local based posts may not be relevant, but other bits are.

    However if the committee between them manages to cover a wide area that would help, or if the GAGB friends could help out with that too.

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