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Thread: 2020/2021 GAGB Chair & Executive Committee Elections

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default 2020/2021 GAGB Chair & Executive Committee Elections

    Timetable of 2020/2021 GAGB Executive Elections

    All GAGB members are eligible, and encouraged, to participate (stand, nominate or vote). As long as you are an ‘active’ member (interacted with us at some point in the last three years) you will receive a ballot to your registered email. Inactive members can request one even after that. More details & rules are on the forum and the GAGB website.
    This year there are two elections one for GAGB Chair and a second election for the eight Committee Member posts. Each candidate needs to receive two nominations from active members and in the proper GAGB forum to be valid, and the nominee must ‘accept’ the nomination by the due date.
    The Chair post is for two years and the Committee Member posts are for one year.
    All meetings are held online usually one per month.

    Chair Elections (2-year term)
    Nominations for Chair open: Monday 2nd November 2020
    Close of nominations for Chair: Friday 6th November 2020 (5 days)
    Acceptance & Manifesto in forum by end of day Saturday November 7th 2020
    Q&A for Chair Sunday 8th November 2020 - Wednesday 11th November 2020 (4 days)
    Election for Chair: Thursday 12th November 2020 – Sunday 15th November 2020 (4 days)

    Committee Elections (8 vacancies, 1-year term)
    Nominations for Committee open: Monday 16th November 2020
    Close of nominations for Committee: Friday 20th November 2020 (5 days)
    Acceptance & Manifesto in forum by end of day Saturday November 21st 2020
    Q&A for Committee Sunday 22nd November 2020 - Wednesday 25th November 2020 (4 days)
    Election of Committee: Thursday 26th November 2020 – Sunday 29th November 2020 (4 days)

    The new committee will start on Tuesday 1st December 2020
    Last edited by Sharon - Sharant; 1st October 2020 at 10:09 PM.

    GAGB Chair
    GAGB Committee member since March 2014
    UK Mega Event Vice Chairman 2013 (West Midlands)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anchorage, Alaska


    Hello GAGB Members:

    I accepted the role of Returning Officer for the GAGB annual elections after Sharon asked me to serve for a tenth consecutive election. I am having a hard time believing I have already worked with this organization for a full decade. I look forward to assisting with a smooth and fair nomination and ballot process.

    Sharon provided the dates of the nominating and election periods in the post above mine. Note that unless two or more Members stand for Chair Elections OR nine or more Members stand for The Committee Elections, SurveyMonkey ballots will not be sent for the respective election(s).

    Please do not hesitate to contact me through my GAGB profile, via direct e-mail to ladybugs at, or by posting in this thread if you have any questions or concerns.


    Michael Malvick/Ladybug Kids
    GAGB Returning Officer
    In Alaska, the best athletes eat raw meat, sleep in the snow, and run naked.
    Ladybug Kids' profile
    Visit the GeocacheAlaska! website.

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