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Thread: 2021/2023 GAGB Chair Nominations

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anchorage, Alaska

    Default 2021/2023 GAGB Chair Nominations

    Hello GAGB Members:

    The nomination period for the position of GAGB Chair for 2021/2023 is now open. This election for Chair is one year early because Arthur Griffins, the current Chair, is stepping down midterm.

    Nominations will be accepted from 00:01 Monday, 1st November through to 23:59 Friday, 5th November 2021 (5 days).

    All GAGB Association members (Founders, Friends and Individual Members) who joined before 1st October 2021, are eligible to stand, nominate another member or second a nomination. Members who have been nominated and seconded are asked to accept or decline their nomination in this thread.

    Please note that the GAGB Constitution states that "N.5.c. Current Executive Members and the Chair shall not take part in nominations, however they may be nominated and may accept the nominations."

    This means none of the current Committee members may make a nomination or second a nomination. However, non-Committee members may nominate a standing Committee member or second the Committee member's nomination.

    Also, any inactive member (a member that has not logged on to the forums for the past three years) cannot be nominated, but if they become active by logging in prior to 1 October before an election they may vote.

    This thread will be closed at the end of the nominations period and anyone who has not been seconded and accepted during this period will not be considered as a candidate for election.

    Candidates for the Chair position are requested to send their manifesto, photo (passport style), and geocaching avatar (if they have one) to Michael Malvick (Ladybug Kids), GAGB Independent Returning Officer (, by midnight, Saturday, 6th November 2021.

    After the nomination period has closed, nominee manifestos, photos, and avatars will be posted in a locked "Candidates for 2021/2022 Chair Elections" thread and added to the ballot so you may read about why each candidate is standing for election and the skills they would bring to the Committee if elected.

    A "Chair Candidates (2021/2022) - Q&A" thread will be opened during the week leading up to the election where members may ask the candidates about their GAGB goals.

    The Election for Chair will be held during Thursday, 11th November to Sunday, 14th November 2021 (4 days).
    This year's ballot will be hosted on

    More information about the annual elections can be found in the GAGB Constitution (Section N).

    In the meantime, it is important that you work with your internet service provider (ISP) to white list e-mails coming from the,, and domains so you receive election news and ballots.

    At your service,

    Michael Malvick/Ladybug Kids GAGB Returning Officer
    In Alaska, the best athletes eat raw meat, sleep in the snow, and run naked.
    Ladybug Kids' profile
    Visit the GeocacheAlaska! website.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England


    In view of Arthur Standing down from the role of chair

    I would like to nominate Chris Carpenter (Saza36)as candidate for chair
    I have spent the past few years working with him in his capacities as a GAGB friend and later as regional representative and he has consistently excelled at every task given to him and is always willing to offer support and advice to everyone and as a committee member in recent months since my resignation due to personal circumstances
    I genuinely believe he is what the GAGB needs to bring us into the 2020’s and beyond.
    Chris is effective and efficient and a great asset to any team and I believe his potential should be recognised properly and his skills utilised
    Last edited by geocaching womble; 2nd November 2021 at 01:45 AM.
    Opencaching UK reviewer and Committee member 2010-2017
    GAGB Committee 2017-2021

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Porthcawl S Wales


    I second Chris Carpenter as candidate for Chair.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default 2021/2023 GAGB Chair Nominations

    Many thanks for the nominations - duly accepted

    Chris Carpenter
    GAGB Member, Friend and Supporter
    GAGB Webmaster 2020-2024
    GAGB Chair 2021-2023
    GAGB Committee 2020-2024
    GAGB Member since 2013
    UK Mega Committee 2013

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anchorage, Alaska


    Nominations for GAGB Chair will be accepted until midnight, Friday, 5 November.

    If at least one more nomination for GAGB Chair is not received prior to the deadline, an election will not be held and Chris Carpenter/Saza36 will be the GAGB Chair for 2021-2023.

    Nominations for the GAGB Committee will open on Monday, 15 November.
    In Alaska, the best athletes eat raw meat, sleep in the snow, and run naked.
    Ladybug Kids' profile
    Visit the GeocacheAlaska! website.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anchorage, Alaska


    The nominations period for 2021-2023 GAGB Chair ended at midnight, 5 November 2021, and additional nominations will not be accepted.

    Chris Carpenter/Saza36 was the only candidate to be nominated and seconded for GAGB Chair and he accepted the nomination. Because Chris is standing unopposed, the election for Chair will not go to ballot.

    Stay tuned for news in a new thread regarding the nominations for the 2021/2022 GAGB Committee, which will open on Monday, 15 November 2021.

    There are positions for eight Committee Members, so please give serious consideration to whether you can spare a few hours a month to support geocaching at a higher level as a member of the GAGB Committee.
    In Alaska, the best athletes eat raw meat, sleep in the snow, and run naked.
    Ladybug Kids' profile
    Visit the GeocacheAlaska! website.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Congratulations Chris.

    Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

    GAGB Chair
    GAGB Committee member since March 2014
    UK Mega Event Vice Chairman 2013 (West Midlands)

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Congratulations, Chris.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

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