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Thread: 2022/2023 Nominations for Committee Members

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Default 2022/2023 Nominations for Committee Members

    Hello GAGB Members:

    Nominations for the GAGB Committee for 2022/2023 will be accepted Monday-Friday, 7-11, November2022. There are eight Committee positions to fill. All GAGB active members at the start of nominations are eligible to nominate another member or second a nomination. Members who have been nominated and seconded are asked to accept or decline their nomination in this thread. Please note that the GAGB Constitution states that " 6c. Current Executive Members and the Chair shall not take part in nominations, however they may be nominated and may accept the nomination."

    This means none of the current Committee members may make a nomination or second a nomination. However, non-Committee members may nominate a standing Committee member or second the Committee member's nomination. The GAGB Constitution also states that any inactive member ( a member that has not logged on to the forums for the past three years) may be nominated, but they will not be put forward to election unless they accept their nomination before the acceptance deadline of Midnight Saturday,12 November2022.

    This thread will be closed at the end of the nominations period and anyone who has not been seconded and accepted during this period will not be considered as a candidate for election.

    Candidates for the Committee are requested to send their manifesto, photo (passport style, I can crop the photo for you if you need help) and geocaching avatar ( if you have one) to me, Patricia Elkins ( MsPatt ), GAGB Independent Returning Officer ( ) by, Midnight, Saturday, 12 November2022 .

    After the nomination period closes, nominee manifestos, photos, and avatars will be posted in a locked 'Candidates for 2022/2023 Committee Elections' thread as well as on the ballot so you may about why each candidate is standing for election and the skills they bring to the Committee if elected.

    A 'Committee Candidates 2022/2023 - Q&A' thread will be open during Sunday- Wednesday, 13-16 November 2022,leading up to the election where Members may ask the Candidates about their GAGB goals.

    If there are more than eight candidates,the Election for the Committee will be held during, Thursday-Sunday, 17-21, November 2022, by SurveyHero electronic ballot. More information about the annual elections can be found in the GAGB Constitution ( Section Q )

    In the meantime, it is important that you work with your internet provider ( ISP) and set your e-mail filters to white list e-mails coming from and domains so you can receive election news and the link to your ballot.

    At your service,

    Patricia Elkins/ MsPatt
    GAGB Returning Officer

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset


    Firstly, welcome Patricia and thankyou for acting as the new IRO and also thanks to Mike who ran it for so many years (and whom I had the pleasure of meeting and spending a couple of days with during one of his visits to the UK).

    I would like to nominate:

    Caz Turver (Border Caz)

    Arthur Griffiths (Griff Grof)
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  3. #3


    I would second both Caz Turver and Arthur Griffiths

  4. #4


    I would like to nominate Alex Buswell MmmPizza

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I would second Alex Buswell.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2022


    Hello All,

    The following is the current status of candidates standing for election.

    Border Caz ( Caz Turver ) -nominated, seconded.
    Griff Grof ( Arthur Griffiths ) - nominated, seconded,
    mmm Pizza ( Alex Buswell ) - nominated, seconded,

    Please do not hesitate to let me know if I missed a post and the status is incorrect.

    Thanks Maple Leaf for the warm welcome.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thank you Maple Leaf and BaCas for my nomination and second, I accept.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Many thanks to Maple Leaf and BaCas for nominating and seconding me.

    I am pleased to accept the nomination.
    GAGB Chair
    Chair 2020-2021 & 2023-
    Vice Chair 2019-2020
    Committee Member since 2015
    Member since 2012

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Warwick, Warwickshire


    Firstly, I’d like to say thank you to both BaCas and abiherts for the nomination and seconds. However, after a lot of thought and consideration, I’ve made the decision to decline this year.

    It is not a decision made lightly and it’s been a very difficult one to make. However I feel like at this point in my life, there’s a lot of things changing. I’m at the point where I’m looking for a change of work and also in the new year, a place to call my own. I’m at the point now where I don’t feel I’d be able to fully commit to this and the last thing I’d want to do is agree to take part, only to let others down further down the line.

    The last two years on the GAGB have been great and enjoyable and it’s something I’d consider coming back to in the future. But right now, the time is right to take a step back. I’ll be more than happy to help from afar where I can when it comes to things like representing the GAGB at Mega Events and helping with the shop like I’ve done in the past. I also hope to remain in contact with the friends I’ve made within the committee. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every one of you. I apologise if this decision upsets anyone as that is honestly my last intention.

    I’d like to thank both Arthur and Chris for their time as chair over the previous two years and also thank everyone else involved over the previous two years. It’s been an honour working with you all. All the best to the future of GAGB.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Oct 2022


    The nominating period for 2022-2023 GAGB Committee Members is now closed.

    The two candidates standing for the 2022/2023 Executive Committee are

    Caz Turver ( Border Caz ) - nominated, seconded, accepted
    Arthur Griffiths ( Griff Grof ) - nominated, seconded, accepted

    Alex Buswell (mmmPIZZA) - nominated, seconded, declined

    Because only two nominations were accepted and there are eight committee member positions available, there will not be an election.

    We Welcome them both.
    Last edited by Administrator; 13th November 2022 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Typo

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