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Thread: Thanks

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    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Thanks

    I’d like to thank Maple Leaf and geocaching womble for nominating and seconding me for the position of GAGB Chair - I am honoured to have the opportunity to return to this role.

    A HUGE thanks must also go to Chris Carpenter (Saza36) for all of his hard work as Chair over the past two years.

    In terms of my aims for the coming year, I intend to work with the eight committee members to see through all of our existing projects and continue to advance what we have been working on. In addition to our core functions, key aims will be to grow our membership and registrations, expand our shop, sponsor Mega events, promote geocaching, serve as a useful resource, and increase the number of regional representatives, engaging and empowering them and GAGB friends to an even greater degree. Ensuring the GAGB remains visible, relevant, and welcoming with a strong reputation will be of paramount importance.

    I would like us to organise more events; our 20th anniversary celebration was a great success, so it would be good to look into making this an annual event. Due to the significant rise in MailChimp fees, we need to press on with finding an alternative — we hope to be able to bring this mostly in house, following a period of development. This transition could provide us with an opportunity to refresh the look and feel of our newsletters and could coincide with changes to GAGB’s branding in terms of our header image, which has been the backdrop for our logo for almost six years now (one more than our previous header image). Also, depending on how this year’s committee election goes, it may be time to get creative and review the election process to maximise participation and interest in future years.

    However, none of this can be done alone. The GAGB needs a dynamic committee of proactive individuals, who will all bring their own ideas to shape our collective vision and goals for the year ahead.

    It’s an exciting time to join the committee, so I strongly encourage you to consider standing (nominations open on 15th Nov) - it’s a highly enjoyable and rewarding experience, with roles to suit pretty much all skillsets and personalities. It is also very manageable in terms of the time commitment.

    If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know.
    Last edited by Griff Grof; 6th November 2023 at 08:35 PM.
    GAGB Chair
    Chair 2020-2021 & 2023-
    Vice Chair 2019-2020
    Committee Member since 2015
    Member since 2012

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