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Thread: How to get back into it !

  1. #1
    thecookiecrew Guest


    All having been a fairly active geocacher a couple of years back, We have really struggled to get back into the swing of it in the last 18 months. There always seems to be something else to do....

    Has anyone any suitable suggestions to get back into Geocaching.....?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Have look for a cache that will take you somewhere you have never been. Look for ones with logs that have a wow factor

  3. #3
    Paul G0TLG Guest


    If you haven't already done them, try Enigma Variations 1 and 2, which are fairly close to where I think you live. If they don't fire your imagination and enthusiasm, nothing will!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    Hi Guys welcome back and hope you find those special caches that fire your imagination. Since you left us, GUK has implemented a cache rating scheme based on feedback from finders. You can select the best in each county or the whole country, check out the link at the bottom of this page.


    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
    GAGB Friend

  5. #5
    Cave Troll & Joan Guest


    Welcome back
    Just ease yourself back in gently.

  6. #6
    Chris n Maria Guest


    I think the thing is, is to decide what you like most about caching and concentrate on that.

    We now look for groups of caches that we can link with a nce stroll...because we think thats the best bit

  7. #7
    thecookiecrew Guest


    Thanks guys for the top recommendations, maybe after the londo to brighton bike ride this weekend we will look to get back into it....

    Cheers again,


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Dorset ... of course!


    Originally posted by thecookiecrew@Jun 13 2006, 12:18 PM
    <snip> maybe after the londo to brighton bike ride this weekend we will look to get back into it....<snip>

    NOW, there&#39;s an idea, a series of caches on the London to Brighton bike ride route&#33;

  9. #9
    nobbynobbs Guest


    good luck on the ride. i did it in 95... it&#39;s the big hill at the end that kills. :

  10. #10
    thecookiecrew Guest


    Thanks Nobby for the kind words, put my name down ages ago with the line &#39; Oh sure I&#39;ll do it, training will probably help me lose some weight to (need to lose approx 5 st..&#33;&#33;&#33&#39; and guess what, training, pah what training (actually not that bad but 20 miles a week aint great either), and weight loss &#33;&#33;&#33; Never, so 19st to push up that last hill (assuming I get there&#33;&#33;&#33

    Anyhow thanks again....


  11. #11
    nobbynobbs Guest


    just do like everyone else. cycle slow and then walk up the hill. not much choice really so many other people there it&#39;s hard to impossible to cycle at times.


    i think there&#39;s an icecream seller at the top.

    top tip organise in advance where you will meet up with anyone in brighton. it is chaos at the end... the one upshot of that hill is that it&#39;s a downhill coast all the way into town&#33;&#33;


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