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Thread: 2024 2025 Nominations for Committee Members

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Default 2024 2025 Nominations for Committee Members

    Hello GAGB Members:

    Nominations for the GAGB Committee for 2024/2025 will be accepted Friday-Thursday, 08-14,
    November 2024. There are a total of eight Committee positions to fill. All GAGB active
    members at the start of nominations are eligible to nominate another member or second a
    nomination. Members who have been nominated and seconded are asked to accept or decline
    their nomination in this thread. Please note that the GAGB Constitution states that "6c. Current
    Executive Members and the Chair shall not take part in nominations, however they may be
    nominated and may accept the nominations."

    This means none of the current Committee members may make a nomination or second a
    nomination. However, non-Committee members may nominate a standing Committee member
    or second the Committee member's nomination. The GAGB Constitution also states that any
    inactive member (a member that has not logged on to the forums for the past three years) may
    be nominated, but they will not be put forward to election unless they accept their nomination
    before the acceptance deadline of midnight Friday, 15 November 2024.

    This thread will be closed at the end of the nominations period and anyone who has not been
    seconded and accepted during this period will not be considered as a candidate for election.
    Candidates for the Committee are requested to send their manifesto, photo (passport style, I
    can crop the photo for you if you need help) and geocaching avatar (if you have one) to me,
    Patricia Elkins (MsPatt), GAGB Independent Returning Officer
    ( by midnight, Saturday, 20 November 2024.

    After the nomination period closes, nominee manifestos, photos, and avatars will be posted in a
    locked ‘Candidates for 2024/2025 Committee Elections' thread as well as on the ballot so
    you may read about why each candidate is standing for election and the skills they will bring to
    the Committee if elected.

    A ‘Committee Candidates (2024/2025) - Q&A’ thread will be open during Saturday- Wednesday, 16-20 November 20, leading up to the election where Members may ask the
    Candidates about their GAGB goals.
    If there are more than eight candidates, the Election for the Committee will be held
    during Thursday-Sunday, 21-24 November 20234, More
    information about the annual elections can be found in the GAGB Constitution (Section Q)
    In the meantime, it is important that you work with your internet service provider (ISP) and set
    your e-mail filters to white list e-mails coming from .

    At your service,
    Patricia Elkins
    GAGB Independent Returning Officer

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Nomination received via email to from GeoJaxx:

    “I would like to nominate Chris from Stoke bunnies. He has been very active in promoting the GAGB this year especially in Hampshire and his helpful advice on social media to other cachers has been noted”

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Second received via email to from WearyB:

    “I would like to nominate Chris of StokeBunnies.
    I have known Chris for many years and feel he is ideal for the committee of GAGB.”

  4. #4


    I would like to nominate Stuart for the 2024/2025 committee - stuarthowe11

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2022


    I would like to nominate the following as they are all very good at their current roles:

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - I would like to nominate Paul, as he wears numerous hats. He is the online Shop Manager, so deals with online orders, requests, posts orders out, makes caches, deals with errors, and attends as many events with the shop stall as possible.
    He is also the assessor for DofE, which I believe is very tough at times. He also does lots of things (as do they all) behind the scenes that no one else will ever know about. Paul deserves to stay as a committee member and continue doing a fab job.

    Joanne Mitchell (Joe222s) - I would like to nominate Joanne, or Joe as we know her, as she is an extremely bubbly character, who does a fantastic job with the social media side of things. She is proactive in all aspects of her role, and has produced some amazing Seeker the Squirrel items for the GAGB shop. Joe deserves to continue in her role.

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - I would like to nominate Chris, as he is doing a fab job with GLAD, and is proactive with keeping in touch with his 'friends and reps', he is always willing to help when you're stuck, and is great at finding locations to hold the annual awards. Chris should stay in his role.

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - I would like to nominate Lewis as he is doing an incredible job with Seeker, the online magazine. He is very keen to have articles, and will always strive to do his best with deadlines to meet.
    Lewis should stay on for 2024/2025.

    Stuart Howe (stuartHowe11) - I would like to nominate Stuart as he is a whizz with technology, and can sort most problems out for you. He is very friendly, and nothing is too much trouble for him. Stuart would continue to do a good job next year I believe.

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - I would like to nominate Caz, as she has impeccable treasurer skills, she has a keen eye for attention to detail, and I feel the committee would be at a loss without her. Caz deserves o stay on as a committee member.

    Thank you, Jayne (Jaynie15)

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England


    I would like to second Chris Warren (stoke bunnies and

    caz turver (border caz)
    Lewis grant (Neville Dog_n_humans
    And Paul bevan (big Eddie)
    As I believe that all 4 of them will be great assets to the committee in the coming year.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England


    I would also like to second Stuart Howe (stuartHowe11)

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    North East England


    I would also like to second
    Joanne Mitchell (Joe222s)
    Whom I initially missed from my original seconding post. Good luck to all of you. I have faith in you all.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Second (now third) received via email to from Ky Devas:

    “I would like to nominate Paul Bevan (big Eddie).
    He spends a large part of his free time working on GAGB related things e.g. Duke of Edinburgh awards, online shop, manning GAGB stalls, promoting GAGB at events etc: and it would be beneficial if that could continue”

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Thirds and fourths received via email to from The Rolphs UK:

    “Paul Bevan (big eddie) - we would like to nominate Paul, Paul deserves to stay as a committee member and continue with the amazing amount of efforts he always takes with all he does, he's a great asset!

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - I would like to nominate Chris, as he is doing a fab job with GLAD. Chris should stay in his role.

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - we would like to nominate Lewis for he does just an incredible job with Seeker which we know isn't easy to get done, he does a great job and we enjoy getting to read his work.
    Lewis should stay on for 2024/2025.

    Stuart Howe (stuartHowe11) - we would like to nominate Stuart for sure to continue his role as he does such a great job already.

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - we would like to nominate Caz. Caz deserves to stay on as a committee member as she is faultless in her commitment and work.”

  11. #11

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Status of nominations so far:

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Stuart Howe (stuarthowe11) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Joanne Mitchell (joe222s) - nominated, seconded

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Nominations close at 23:59 on Thursday 14th November.
    Last edited by Administrator; 11th November 2024 at 10:15 PM.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I accept the nomination, thanks to all who proposed and seconded me.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Thank you, to all of you for the nominations and 2nds. I will be glad to accept.
    Last edited by big eddie; 13th November 2024 at 05:36 PM.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Nomination received via email to from South Derbyshire Geocaching:

    “I would like to nominate StuartHowe11 for a position on the GAGB committee”

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Feb 2023


    Thank you for the nominations. I accept.

  16. #16

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  17. #17

    Join Date
    Oct 2022


    Status of nominations so far:

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Stuart Howe (stuarthowe11) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Joanne Mitchell (joe222s) - nominated, seconded, Accepted

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - nominated, seconded (plus third), Accepted

    Nominations close at 23:59 on Thursday 14th November.

    Patricia Elkins

  18. #18

    Join Date
    Aug 2018


    I accept the nominations

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies)

  19. #19

    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Administrator View Post
    Status of nominations so far:

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Stuart Howe (stuarthowe11) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth)

    Joanne Mitchell (joe222s) - nominated, seconded

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Nominations close at 23:59 on Thursday 14th November.
    I accept gratefully the nominations as well

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #20

    Join Date
    May 2008


    To confirm, no further nominations were received by email prior to the deadline.

  21. #21

    Join Date
    Oct 2022


    The nominating period for 2024/2025 GAGB Committee members is now closed.

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Stuart Howe (stuarthowe11) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Joanne Mitchell (joe222s) - nominated, seconded, Accepted

    Lewis Grant (Neville Dog_n_humans) - nominated, seconded (plus third)

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - nominated, seconded (plus third), Accepted

    There is still time to confirm if you wish, You have until 23:59 Friday 15 November.

  22. #22

    Join Date
    Oct 2022


    The following is the current status of candidates standing for election.

    Chris Warren (Stoke Bunnies) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Stuart Howe (stuarthowe11) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Paul Bevan (big eddie) - nominated, seconded (plus third, fourth, and fifth), Accepted

    Joanne Mitchell (joe222s) - nominated, seconded, Accepted

    Caz Turver (Border Caz) - nominated, seconded (plus third), Accepted

    Lewis Grant ( Neville Dog_n_humans) - nominated, seconded, declined

    Of the six nominations received, five were excepted and one declined.
    Many thanks to everyone who participated in the process to select the next Committee.
    Patricia Elkins

  23. #23

    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Congratulations to the successful candidates, I look forward to continuing to work with you.

    Thanks to all who nominated and seconded the candidates.

    A huge THANK YOU to MsPatt for serving as our IRO for another year.
    GAGB Chair
    Chair 2020-2021 & 2023-
    Vice Chair 2019-2020
    Committee Member since 2015
    Member since 2012

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