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Thread: This is what the GAGB is really about

  1. #1
    June Guest


    This Association was established to provide an elected voice for its members in the United Kingdom.

    Its aims are to establish good practice, provide a focal point for public liaison and support the growth and enjoyment of Geocaching in harmony with the law and environment.

    Come on Guy’s this is what the GAGB was founded for. The recent postings of one individual has taken these forums completely off tack and caused a lot bad feelings in the caching community.

    There are important issues to be discussed obtaining land owners permission, do micros cause more damage to the environment than full size caches because the searching is heavier, should they kept for urban locations etc etc. This is what the GAGB is about, help advice and useful information to enhance caching in this country.

    The better weather s now here and we can get out and enjoy and pass on that enjoyment to others.

    By the way if anyone is thinking this newly signed up member is a sock puppet, NO, I am June of Tim & June and YES I am a proud founder of the GAGB and a proud founder of Geobuddies.

  2. #2
    Kitty Hawk Guest


    Hear! Hear!

  3. #3
    ROFLMHO Guest


    I agree full heartedly with everything you have said on this thread...Peace, Harmony and most of all, no friction amongst members is the best policy.

    All I hope is that other members have the same view and mind...but I very much doubt it! I expect others will still try to over write the rules with their interpretations.

    I have heard it so many times in my head...... finger, all 28 of them, are crossed for happiness and a loving enviroment!

    June did you manage to ever speak to a log? They can run rings round people if you are not carefull!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    June, I agree absolutely. GAGB at present has a policy of light forum moderation, as you know, but there have been many occasions recently when my finger has been very close to the delete button.

    Can we all please try to stick to the GAGB, caching and caching related topics, avoid personal attacks, and please, please drop the wind-ups? Thank you.

    Bill, Chairman GAGB
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

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