Where can I get a UK Geocoin. I picked up a luxemburg one the other day and am interested in a UK one.
fiatlux (GAGB)
Fiat-Lux (geocaching.com)
Where can I get a UK Geocoin. I picked up a luxemburg one the other day and am interested in a UK one.
fiatlux (GAGB)
Fiat-Lux (geocaching.com)
To buy or just to log?
What is a geo coin? :unsure:
hi rebble thought you'd run off!!
a geo coin is like travel bug in that it travels from cache to cache but is a coin.. loads of different designs out there more every day it seems. haven't any managed to get to you neck of the woods yet? show up on the online cache page so you'll know if any are near you.
Hi Mongoose,
I wish to buy one.
I suggest that you have a look at this site.Originally posted by fiatlux@Aug 31 2006, 11:06 PM
Hi Mongoose,
I wish to buy one.
Try not to let your mind wander...........
It's too small and fragile to be out by itself