The Nutters wrote:
Could anyone tell me what is involved in becoming a commitee member?
Is madness optional or essential?
The main prerequisite is a thick skin!!! :P
Mostly it involves negotiationing with landowners, liaising with landowners with whom we have agreements, dealing with irate landowners who've found caches on their land without permission, sorting issues arising from calls to the GAGB phone number which cachers can use as a contact number in caches, and answering enquiries from the press and from newcomers and would-be newcomers. That's not comprehensive, but it should give you the general idea.
Take a look at my caching history, and see how many caches I've found since I became Chairman...
It's great fun. h34r:
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)